Thinking manifest as whatever energy it’s given and self serving energy makes it delusional. This delusion blocks the natural inner resource of love from manifesting the truth that sets you free…
Nothing can truly deceive you unless it's allowed and what allows it but the energy given to thinking whatever it is that's occurring. When you understand the true nature of thinking you will see it’s only energy, not who you are. Thinking has no control whatsoever over you unless it's allowed, but understand it's only allowed because it isn't known how not to allow it. It's simplistic yet very difficult for this to be understood. We've been programmed to believe we are who we think we are,
but if you investigate this you'll see this delusional fallacy. Thinking occurs as energy like, attachment to it is what gives it the energy needed to become a delusional story; an outright lie.
Look at why you think what you think is you. Freedom from attaching to thinking is freedom from your I Self. When this occurs no thing can hold you back from reaching your true potential and understanding who you truly are. You can only love yourself when you know who you are and you can only know who you are when you realize you are not who you think you are.. Even then you may not know who you are, but by knowing who you are not it creates enough space to at least allow for the letting go of the delusional belief of an I Self that the Conditioned Mind energy makes you think is truth. When this letting go occurs, it opens the heart to Universal Truth, a truth that can only be known by being still in the thoughtless realm of what is; it's in knowing this truth that you’re set free…

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