A noisy mind is a mind that has preconceived ideas which are based on a sense of self, and because it's conditioned to always be noisy, there's no space created to see truth as opposed to noise…
As long as the mind is noisy it can't be at peace; at the core of this is one's sense of self. The sense of self may be the hardest concept to let go of because it's intertwined with just about every thought you have. It’s been in place since existence began, but it's not the sense of sense that's controlling, it's the attachment to it. I have a sense of self, how can I not I exist, but the attachment to it has lessened significantly in the last thirteen years. This has opened the door to what's in place today, this is not to say I don't sometimes attach to the sense of self, but never like the first forty nine years of my life.
The last couple of days I've had discussions with people about the content of a couple of the articles I posted and I can see why what was written wasn't grasped, it’s because the discussions were directly linked to the attachment to their sense of self. I don't take a stand that my way is right; this is because it isn't my way. But when what I write is disagreed with, where does the disagreement come from? I'm not judging anyone here, what I'm stating is factual, the more there’s attachment to a sense of self the less on sees.
What people don't realize is how the mind works. I've sat and investigated why I reacted like I did and why I did the things I did. Very few truly investigate their mind and this leads to the conditioning in place being in control. This doesn't make me better than anyone knowing this, but by having an understanding of the lies that I lived by for so many years, this does allow me to not attach to them. I would also have to say therein lies the difference between one being attached to the sense of self or one being free of it. This also creates the difference between not being limited by a self who has a noisy mind or one being limited by attachment to the noise…

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