It would be nice if you were able to pick and choose how you were going to react to situations, but not many people really have this choice because of the conditioning in place…
The conditioning in place is the deciding factor of why people react in a certain manner and do certain things. All the pressure of either acting or not acting in a certain way is self imposed, it's a by product of the Conditioned Mind. If your behavior is thought to be beneficial or non beneficial neither result really matters because if you could act differently you would, but since you can't, you don't.
There isn't an on and off switch to your conditioning. This isn't easy to accept when you’re aware of your behavior, but there are issues because sometimes the awareness isn't strong enough to counter the conditioning, and some unwanted behavior will make its way into daily living. I only say unwanted in the sense that it's not behavior conducive to love and this results in not being much of a benefit to anyone. I don't much care for it when this occurs, but I do accept it because there's not much I can do about it.
Most of the time the awareness occurs after the reactive behavior is done so there's no benefit in regretting it. Why regret something that is beyond your control, it doesn't mean we don't learn from it, but the understanding of the conditioning is essential in remaining a instrument of love. Beating yourself up and carrying around the burden of your conditioning benefits no one. So here is what's needed if you’re to understand the fine line between blaming yourself for your conditioned behavior or accepting that you do what you do because that's what's in place. Learn to sit so your mind settles down and develop an understanding that you’re perfect just the way you, but there’s probably room to let go of some conditioning…

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