To expose your created delusions, why they're being created needs to be understood. If this understanding doesn't occur the delusions remain as your reality which in turn makes your life delusional…
The way the base of your thoughts are formulated determines if you see what actually occurs in life or if life becomes the made up reality of the formulated thoughts. Because of the lack of clarity of truth in most peoples lives, this creates two realities occurring at the same. One is what is actually occurring and the other is your thoughts of what's occurring. The more unaware a person is of this the more their thoughts make up a delusional story of life instead of living a life of what's actually occurring.
If this is how you’re living it makes for a very unproductive existence because a made up life is being lived; when this is done your entire existence is delusional. It's like a magic trick, no matter how real it seems it's not. To expose what makes a delusion seem real and how the trick is done needs to be understood. It's the same with our life, to expose the created delusions, why it's being created needs to be seen. If this understanding doesn't occur the delusion remains as your reality.
Thoughts are the base of all delusions because without the belief of something (thought) it's impossible for the delusion to exist. All delusions start with a thought that it‘s real, but the thought isn't what's actually occurring so two realities are happening at the same time; one is created (the thought) and one just is. The one you live your life by determines if it's based in what's actually occurring or if you're living a life of delusions created by the Conditioned Mind. There's living your given life (what is) or there's life made up. It can be a delusional creation of your thoughts or it can be the reality of what is. There are always two realities to choose from, to expose the delusional one why it's created needs to be understood. If this doesn't occur the delusions remain as reality which in turn makes life a delusion…

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