The quality of life is determined by the energy focused on, and as this energy builds on itself this focus determines what the base of this life will be…
This is very important to see, the energy focused on will either come from the heart or the head; this is seen or it isn’t. When this is seen, living from the heart naturally becomes the way you live. Energy builds on itself regardless of what it is, to me this is a basic understanding of the “Law of Attraction” that’s been revealed to me. When focused energy is based in stillness what becomes life’s attraction is all derived from stillness. This isn’t a doing of mine, it’s a transformation occurring from stillness itself.
What’s unfortunate about this is the opposite is also true, at least this has been my experience. For years my focused energy was based to self serve and although I mostly got what I wanted, there wasn’t much satisfaction. This self serving energy built on itself and it doesn’t take a genius to see why my life was the way it was; the focused energy to self serve manifested in the only way it could. What energy is in place will be what’s manifested, there’s no way around this; life can only be what the focus of your energy is.
Sit with this and investigate what is the focus of your energy and see how it builds on itself. Life doesn’t make it what it is, the focus of energy makes it what it is. To a large degree we are all the creators of our own reality and that reality will be determined by where our energy is focused. It’s not up to the outside circumstances that determines life, when energy is focused on outside circumstances this determines how they are dealt with, how they are built on, and the way future circumstances will be dealt with. You can only build upon the energy in place and that’s determined by what your focused energy is based in. The life you build is up to you, you alone are the creator of your reality because your focused energy builds on itself…

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