The chase of pleasure is so deep and misunderstood that it actually leads one down the road to their own destruction; until the mind settles the chase of pleasure continues to rule…
I'm not writing this to say there's anything inherently wrong with pleasure, but when it becomes the driving force of a chase, it will most likely lead to destructive behavior in some way. This also leads to the destruction of society as a whole because any society is only a sum total of its individuals. If you don't think this is true, please take your head out of the sand and look around. Understanding what's reached for to quench the thirst of pleasure is where the difference lies in one being at peace or constantly chasing the next pleasure. For me there was always a thirst for peace which was pleasure in disguise and it was always sought, but what I used to quench this thirst is where my misgivings were derived from. My tools to quiet this thirst to be at peace became different nine years ago, prior to that everything I used was of the material plane, today this isn't the case because I understand my pleasure seeking mind enough to see the illusionary urgings arise.
Learning how to manifest a pleasure state of being without anything from the material world is key if you are to ever be free from the bondage of the conventional pleasure chasing mind and open the doorway to true pleasure; pleasure that's not dependent on anything from this world. When this is truly understood, pleasure will no longer be pursued in a destructive way and you will actually be allowed to live life in the most pleasurable way possible; without attachment…

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