An agitated mind is a distracted mind. You only become distracted when you think there’s something needed for completeness, but you’re complete just the way you are, you just don't know it…
There are so many ways to be distracted and there’s only one way to be present. Here are some distractions that the past mind patterns use. Food has such a strong association with pleasure and the past that it is virtually impossible to break its hold. Every time you desire food or a beverage that‘s been consumed once before, it’s because associated pleasures are established. So what the mind uses as a distraction is this association to pleasure; you don't reach for something that’s unpleasant. It’s the association of pleasure that causes the distraction.
These past ingrained distractions go on and on. You will need to investigate what you use as distractions if you want to break free of them. We all use whatever we have been conditioned to use. Gambling, sex, money, shopping, success, a spiritual journey, our children, chores, our house, TV, the lottery, sports, our cause, alcohol, drugs, fantasy, work, the list is endless. When you start to understand how these distractions take you from your own innate goodness you can begin the process of lessening the hold they have over you. It will take discipline to become aware of these distractions let alone breaking their hold, but it’s the only way; only discipline will produce the needed awareness.
It’s imperative to look at the relationship between pleasure and the past and how that association is at the core of most of the distractions that take you from being present. If it’s in the past learn to leave it there. There really isn't any benefit to bringing the past into the present unless you’re not happy in the present. It’s when the mind becomes agitated that it will look for some past pleasure distraction. When you understand your completeness and how this lack of understanding causes any distraction, you can start the process of lessening the grip so you can be free in the present; or not and live a life distracted from your own innate goodness. You are complete just the way you are, but it will take a disciplined mind to become aware of this…

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