The mind is conditioned to create stories which are used to make you believe they’re needed to be at peace, but the storied belief they’re needed to be at peace is the only reason there isn’t peace…
You are the creator of the story you aren’t at peace and you believe the story. You can create any story you’d like, but if you didn’t create one you wouldn’t shrivel up and disappear, all that would happen is you would be at peace. We’ll use the example of someone bringing in some ice cream to work; from there the story you create about ice cream is nothing more than that, a story. Maybe you create a story that you love ice cream and it just so happens to be your favorite, vanilla. After all is said and done if you don’t create the story about ice cream it would still exist, it just won’t have any control over you because there won’t be any attachment to it.
The point of this example is to show how the created story becomes the created attachment which is what makes you want the ice cream. Substitute anything you want for the ice cream, it’s all the same. A created story creates attachment which in turn creates suffering. In the morning, when you first wake up, that’s when the story starts and thus the attachment, but only because you don’t know how not to create it.
Stories are the essence of the Conditioned Mind. This isn’t something to believe, it’s something to just be aware of so you can stop creating your stories. These stories which are created by your own mind, makes the world delusional and it keeps you in bondage to this delusional world. If you think this doesn’t pertain to you that’s just another story that keeps you from peace. Beyond your story there’s peace, it’s just not realized because of the need for a story…

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