Present Moment Energy

Present Moment energy is naturally free flowing because there’s no resistance, there’s no trying to make it different than what it is. Past and future energy stops the flow because it’s based in manipulating the present…

Being aware of what’s present at the precise moment it happens minimizes the past and future stories that are needed to make life the way you think it should be. Awareness stops the past and future stories of the way you think something should be and allows the freedom of the way it is, this becomes the beautiful view of the way it should be. After all wanting the present moment different is where all discontentment arises from. When you’re simply aware of the present as it arises there isn’t a need for a story. Selfish energy doesn’t come into play here as the love of your heart naturally becomes the beautiful operating energy of life.

Past and future energy becomes a created prison because it doesn’t allow for a natural flow of life’s energy; you become a prisoner to the energy of the past and future. It’s the Conditioned Mind that cuts off the energy flow of the present as it becomes the energy of the lower nature of self centeredness. Why this past and future energy causes issue is because it bombards the present moment with an unnatural energy flow that doesn’t allow harmony. The present moment naturally free flows because there’s no resistance, there’s no trying to make it different than what’s there. Past and future energy stops the flow because it’s based in trying to manipulate the present moment so what’s there is resisted to the point where the natural flow is cut off. The only thing needed for liberation is awareness aware of awareness, there’s no past or future energy here, there’s just the energy of the present moment…

Truth or Lies

It's really very simple to understand the mind, it can be broken down into two mind states, truth or lies and everyone who is alive will be guided by one or the other…

There's a lot of stuff (thinking) that goes on between the ears that determines what mind state you will be guided by and when it’s broken down you will be guided by either truth or lies. To me everything that happens is the result of something previous; the result of living in a state of truth or lies are vastly different. This isn't to apply a label that one is right and one is wrong, but if investigated it can be seen how truth produces results aligned with love, kindness, peace, harmony, joy, and lies align you with results of anger, greed, hate, unhappiness, discontent and do on. I had a mind of lies for many years and this resulted in much suffering in the form of feeling isolated and alone most of the time. As a result of this, I used many different things to try and not feel this way, but to no avail because not matter what, the lying mind state would always return.

Thirteen years ago I began understanding the different results of these two mind states and started developing certain things that put me more in line with truth. A mind of lies is selfish in nature and produces selfish results; desirable results if you're based in the material world. A mind of truth has no selfishness to it and the results are accordingly. This doesn't mean the lying conditioning is gone for good, but it has lessened to a large degree and hence there is literally no more suffering in me. If the difference of these two mind states aren't seen it seems the lies control more; it's because of the influences of the material world that make this so. Even though by being alive you are part of the world, when you finally wake up what's seen is you don't have to allow the mind state of lying to control you…

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Everything is Temporary

When impermanence is understood, the craving for fulfillment is replaced with the satisfaction that whatever happens next doesn't matter much because one day what's next will prove how impermanent life really is…

Nobody knows the future, but what does the future matter if the present isn't being lived to the fullest. No one really know what’s going to happen next, but we all know death at least in this form will one day happen next, its just not known when that is. This is just a factual part of life regardless of any belief, one day this body will cease to support life as it is known today. We can make up a place that we are going to go to when we die (spiritually) but the body is going to become void of life and it will either be cremated or decay 6 feet underground. If this one truth can be understood than nothing else would truly matter because the impermanence of all things would be seen. And once this is seen life takes on an entirely different dynamic.

No longer is there something needed for fulfillment when this dynamic occurs because it’s realized life is already fulfilled. How can it not be with the understanding that all you need you already have and all that you have has no lasting substance to it. If everything is impermanent, everything is temporary, so nothing will bring fulfillment to life except an understanding that life's already fulfilled. Everything is a temporary fix that's why things are constantly reached for. If there wasn't a craving to be fulfilled there wouldn't be a need to reach for a temporary fix. That's why the understanding of impermanence has so much value to it because when it occurs the craving for fulfillment will be replaced with the satisfaction that whatever happens next doesn't matter much because one day what's next will prove just how impermanent life really is…

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Waiting Higher Self

There’s a higher self that’s always there waiting in the space of stillness. When we understand the stillness beneath all our stories, we align ourselves and connect with this waiting higher self…

We’re not always aligned with our higher self and this is unfortunate. It’s not that we can’t always be aligned, but we have to do the things that will allow it. Our alignment is in relation to how much we try and control life; this is thought based. Certain aspects of our life need to be controlled, but the parts that are beyond our control, why do we insist on controlling them also?

There is the part of us that is the form self; the one controlled by the senses. This is the human aspect (thought based) of who we are, but there’s a self that is beyond form, this is beyond the thought process. It’s the self of the Universe, but not in the conceptual way. It’s the energy beyond form, it’s our thought process that needs to make it solid so it can have something to grasp and make sense of; this is what thought does. Our mind is beyond thought, it’s pure Universal Energy. It is who we are before our existence in this form begins and it is who we are when conditions no longer allow this form to exist and it ends.

Thought is energy, but it isn’t pure because it has attachment to it; it’s based in form. To go beyond thought one must go beyond attachment. This is when we are in alignment with our higher self. It can be labeled our soul, life eternal, nirvana, bliss, etc, but words are not needed to understand our higher self. Actually any word will block our alignment to our higher self because the word itself is the attachment to thought. When we learn to just be and not have to attach to anything to make us who we are that’s when we’ll understand who we truly are; thoughtless, formless, pure energy; this is the pure mind, this is our higher self…

Light of Kindness

Start with one single act of kindness and let it sink deeply into your heart. As kindness slowly becomes ingrained in the subconscious, you become the light of kindness for all the world to see…

Acts of kindness emits an energy of true love as long as they’re done unconditionally from the heart. If it comes from the Conditioned Mind to get a better seat in heaven or move up on the angelic chain of command, this will block the hearts energy of light. Doing acts of kindness is a start, but the heart will have to keep on expanding and remain open for kindness to become the minds default setting of light. If the heart remains open all the time acts of kindness will happen all the time because kindness will be the only thing in place. Start with one single act of kindness and let it sink deeply into your heart, in this process as kindness slowly becomes the default setting of your mind, you become light.

One can only emit the energy that’s in place and this is the light others will see; an open heart goes a long way in deciding what others see. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and good intention don’t provide actual kindness of light. For kindness to become the light the world sees, it will have to be something that’s cultivated so it becomes instilled in your subconscious.

I can only act as it is seen and as it is seen is a result of years of subconscious conditioning. So to be a light of kindness, the conditioning that blocks it has to be changed. Once it is and it all starts with consciously doing one single act of kindness, the heart opens and kindness becomes the minds default setting and that will be the light the world will see…

Stillness Energy

When the mind is quiet there is freedom because the controlling energy of what arises has nothing to attach to so there's nothing to control. Be Still and you will naturally be free…

It's not that we have problems, it’s that our problems have us. It’s never what happens that cause our issues, it’s how what happens is allowed to draw you in and control you. What allows the control is the draw and it’s almost unpreventable because of the unawareness of its cause; the control is what can be prevented.

You might wonder how something be prevented that you are unaware of, but the key is in learning to quiet the mind. What a quiet mind will do for you is allow the drawing energy to pass through you and hence it won't get to the point where it transforms into controlling energy. After all, what arises itself doesn't control you, it can't because it has no energy, yet. When you give it energy that’s when it grabs a hold of you. Remember our default energy is stillness, that’s the energy we began life with. Only attachment to something transforms your energy to control you.

How your problems grab you can be summed up in how you allow what arises to fester and thus become the energy that controls your life. Positive, negative, to me both can be just as controlling, but quietness, the ever elusive quietness can not be controlled because there’s nothing to attach to; that’s why it is said to "Be Still". When there is nothing to attach to there is no controlling energy. Energy always is, the energy of attachment is controlling, the energy of quietness is freedom. This is why meditation is so valuable because discipline is developed to allow the energy of stillness to be the guiding energy of life. With stillness as the guide, we’re given control of the direction of energy in our life. So it isn't that we have problems, but it’s in giving what arises the energy needed so that our problems have us…

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Developed Tools

You can't see what isn't revealed. When truth is revealed it puts your life in your hands because when the eyes are opened what's revealed is the responsibility you have for your given life…

You can only live life with the tools you develop. You do the best you can with them that is until they stop working. Most of the tools developed are designed to follow the way of the world because that’s where they are derived from. You cannot develop spiritual tools unless your life is anchored on living by spiritual principles. When one seeks to follow the way of the spirit it means a complete reversal of the way of the world which is most people’s direction.

When the old tools stop working, at first it’s uncomfortable because it’s unfamiliar territory, but slowly the new tools will bring on a reversal of principles which leads to peace and happiness. You think your worldly aims and ambitions that are usually strived for are developed to bring peace, but when they don't produce the results looked for you’ll seek different tools for the desired result. The world's accomplishments will never bring heart rest and happiness; this isn’t right or wrong it's just the way it is.

The tools developed are used until they don't work. Changing something won't be done if it isn't known something needs changing. Although the mind will tell one that having to develop a new set of tools is the worse possible thing that could have happened, hopefully the new tools will develop a new set of eyes that allow you to see the weary, disillusioned, and disappointed results the old tools produced. Stop using the tools that are no longer producing desired results and put trust in not the ways of the world, but in the way of the spirit and you should use these new tools as if your life depends on it because it does…

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Knowing Yourself

If you don't get to know yourself, you will constantly repeat behavior that doesn't allow you to be in harmony with life and although you may be alive, to be without harmony is to be without life…

My writings aren’t a cure all, but they are a valuable tool if you have an inner urging to change things in your life. This isn't a promotion for my writings, it's a promotion for a tool that can help a person be relieved from the bondage of self. That's what our inner urging is, the urging of love to be relieved of our self absorption. Until this is understood not God nor anything else will be able to help remove the blocks to this inner urging of love. This is not Gods fault it's ours because we are the ones who have become conditioned to behave in a manner that doesn't allow for us to be in harmony with life.

Do what you may, hold on to your beliefs in whatever you think you need to believe in, but understand you do what you do because of the way you have been conditioned. It's no ones fault and until you become responsible for your own behavior your inner urgings of love will most likely never fully be realized and your freedom will be fleeting at best. Stay in the control of your conditioning and stay in the prison to the bondage of self, and it's unfortunate because not even God will be able to help you break free from those chains…

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Real Solutions

The Conditioned Mind is the cause of all that we do. This isn’t the fault of any God so why is God expected to fix it? When responsibility for your behavior is taken, your own intuition takes over…

The more you understand yourself and see the Conditioned Mind at the core of any behavior malfunctions, the more real your life solutions will be. You can wait for God or some other outside entity to fix you, but which would be more practical, waiting for some magical solution which may or may not happen or taking control of your life by learning to behave in a manner that puts you in harmony with your own intuitiveness.

More and more when I share with others about my experiences it’s the Conditioned Mind that is most identified with. If freedom is something that you have an urging for why you are not free is what you need to get in touch with. Our bondage is not the fault of any God so why look to God to fix it? When this is understood and the intuition to change arises, you’ll have something real to work with. It sounds simple and the real solution is simple, but it’s difficult in the actual change because of the way the mind has evolved. It’s a problem solving machine, but the only issue with this is it’s the thing creating the problems. Understand this and you will be well on your way to a freedom never experienced before…

Nobody Looking Integrity

Nobody looking integrity means what you do when nobody’s looking is the same as what you do when someone is watching. If this isn’t the level of your integrity, it’s because there’s a lack of self honesty…

One way to the purification of the mind and heart is to develop integrity. Here’s one definition of integrity “the quality of being honest” to me this is about self honesty because when I’m truly honest with me, there’s no way I can be dishonest with anyone else. I’ve learned a lot about self honesty in the last thirteen years and it’s something that eluded me for most of my life. Honesty isn’t about what I present to the world, it’s about what is done behind closed doors. The world is easily fooled because of the conditioning in place, but what does it matter if one gains the whole world, but loses themselves.

Integrity is a huge hurdle in breaking the chains of the Conditioned Mind, without it truth cannot be revealed. If I don’t know what blocks me from the purification of the mind and heart, the blocks remain, and without establishing what I call “nobody looking integrity” one remains stuck in their old habits because there’s no room for anything new. Certain things trigger certain thoughts and if those thoughts are attached to, it’s usually because one’s integrity has been compromised. Although there’s no right or wrong in this it does make someone do something behind closed doors that they wouldn’t necessarily do if someone was watching; as always investigate this for yourself.

Only to yourself is honesty necessary because it’s only yourself that will keep you from the purification of your mind and heart. This self honestly is tied in with loving yourself; when you’re honest with yourself you’re truly loving yourself because you’re making room for the mind to expand. This allows for the integrity to do what you do when nobody’s looking just as you do in front of others. Difficult yes, but only because “nobody looking integrity” isn’t the level of honesty that’s in place…

The Chase of Pleasure

The chase of pleasure is so deep and misunderstood that it actually leads one down the road to their own destruction; until the mind settles the chase of pleasure continues to rule…

I'm not writing this to say there's anything inherently wrong with pleasure, but when it becomes the driving force of a chase, it will most likely lead to destructive behavior in some way. This also leads to the destruction of society as a whole because any society is only a sum total of its individuals. If you don't think this is true, please take your head out of the sand and look around. Understanding what's reached for to quench the thirst of pleasure is where the difference lies in one being at peace or constantly chasing the next pleasure. For me there was always a thirst for peace which was pleasure in disguise and it was always sought, but what I used to quench this thirst is where my misgivings were derived from. My tools to quiet this thirst to be at peace became different nine years ago, prior to that everything I used was of the material plane, today this isn't the case because I understand my pleasure seeking mind enough to see the illusionary urgings arise.

Learning how to manifest a pleasure state of being without anything from the material world is key if you are to ever be free from the bondage of the conventional pleasure chasing mind and open the doorway to true pleasure; pleasure that's not dependent on anything from this world. When this is truly understood, pleasure will no longer be pursued in a destructive way and you will actually be allowed to live life in the most pleasurable way possible; without attachment…

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Doing Your Part

If the world is to change we have to be responsible and do our part. We can't complain if we're part of the problem. Don’t look at the speck in your brothers eye when you have a log in yours…

Identifying self-serving Conditioned Mind Patterns and changing them so life is based in love is the core content of my writings. Learning to be present is how the Conditioned Mind can be changed if you’re aware enough that it needs changing. I know this is very strong language because it goes against everything you have probably been taught up to this point in your life, but before you discount this investigate it and see for yourself if you are truly in control of your mind and if you’re getting all that you can out of life. If you aren't, you are the only one that can change it.

Society teaches us to be self sufficient, what I propose in my writings is to learn what it means to be God or love sufficient. There is a reason our world is in the condition that it’s in. I am doing my part to change it, but it needs all of us to pull together and share the love that’s in our heart. We are our future and we are the change this world needs, but it will only occur when it’s understood our love for others has to come first. The self-serving mind has to be changed for our world to change, and each one of us has the responsibility to be this change and make our world a better place. After all it is our world.

We are one species on this tiny planet in this vast universe and it’s up to each of us to make it the best it can be. This is not some belief I have, a belief is just some construct made up by a Conditioned Mind. What I am asking is for each and every person to please take a look at the energy that is in control of your life. If it’s a self-serving energy this will not be much of a benefit to anyone, but if it’s a love-serving energy than it would be a benefit to our entire human family…

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Example Of Light

When you’re aware that your thoughts are used to make up a story, contentment takes the stories place. This contentment is an example of light and is always there, but it’s not experienced because of thoughts that blocks it…

Without a story everyone would view life as an example of light which by the way is an example of peace; because of conditioned thoughts this example isn’t seen. The view of a story is made up by the energy of unconsciousness, this makes everything that happens in life seen through conditioned thinking. Through this view truth is missed; this makes life about the story formed by the Conditioned Mind.

Thoughts are what makes the mind attach to a story and those attachments are caused by the unaware conditioning that controls your life. What factually happens is this, life just happens it’s not personal, it’s not about the story you think it is. It’s not about right, wrong, love, hate, good or bad, it‘s mostly about learning to understand your minds true nature of quietness and not being lead around by your made up stories; whatever you happen to make them. When there’s awareness of this you’ll truly be an example of light; a light that has always been there in the space of silence, but it was never experienced because of your thoughts not allowing you to see the you are truly an example of light…

Awareness Now

The path that leads to a peaceful life begins and ends in the awareness of Now. You can be aware you're thinking about something in the past or future, but you can never actually be there…

When there’s awareness in place it allows Now to be experienced. Being aware of what's actually happening as opposed to being pulled around by it or pushing it away is what will dictate the amount of peace there is in your life. Life is magical in its essence, but there's nothing magical in becoming aware of this. All paths that lead to a peaceful life begin and end in the Now and a practice to allow awareness will assist in this.

Take a step and be aware of it, now take another and be aware, this awareness is also an anchor as is the breath to Now; you can not actually be aware of something in the past or future. You can be aware that you're thinking about something in the past or future, but you can never actually be there. Every step or breath can only be taken as it is happening. The more you become aware of this the more anchored you become in the actuality of the body being in the Now as opposed to grasping for straws in the story of what's going on between your ears. Be aware of reading this and then be aware of what arises, just be with it, no pulling or pushing, just be aware of what's happening. It’s in this space of awareness that you’ll find peace and this is because in this space it's the only thing that's there…

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Mind, Body, Spirit Unity

The body, mind, and spirit are the tools we’re given to use in this mysterious journey called life. If the body, mind, and spirt aren’t in unity with each other, it will make this journey much more difficult…

If a car driven without taking the proper care and maintenance of it, eventually it will not work properly. It’s the same with our body, mind, and spirit, if they’re taken care of you will also eventually not work properly. Whether it’s eating, sleeping, working out, meditation, recreational activity and so on, there’s a certain way of doing things that allows you to be in harmony with life; when there’s harmony with life there’s unity with yourself. This maximizes your ability to reach your natural potential, nature doesn’t lie so the more things are done that are connected to nature the more natural is your living. This involves all aspects of our life, garbage in equals garbage out, as love in equals love out. So if you take care of your body, mind, and spirit you will naturally be taken care of, at least to the extent that your potential can be maximized in whatever capacity that may be.

Life takes on an entirely different meaning when this occurs because it’s not lived from the mode of individuality, it can’t be because love embraces unity, this is just the way love rolls. There’s no such thing as separation where there’s love. This doesn’t mean the entire world will love you, but the ones who have love in their heart will because they’re connected to their own mind, body, and spirit. If someone wishes ill will to you that’s because of their lack of unity with themselves and that’s their misfortune. A person has no control how others feel about them or acts so don’t take it upon yourself that what others say is true. When there’s unity with your own mind, body, and spirit there’s a connection with the Universe because it’s where you came from and when there’s unity from where you came from, there’s unity with the mind, body, and spirit that love springs forth from because that’s just the way love rolls…

Karma of Your Actions

You are your own judge and jury and for the most part your karma is determined by your own actions; what you do when no one is looking. The energy you live by is the direct karma of your own actions…

Remember the cartoons from years ago when a Devil and Angel would pop up on a characters shoulders. This happened when a decision was needed about something. The pop up figures were always the image of the individual, it was because that’s who the real struggle and conflict is always with. Nothing outside of you can harm you as much as your own thoughts. A struggle mostly occurs when things aren’t lining up with the story of the way you think things should be. This energy is something that’s real. You can make it like you’re this spiritual guru and behind closed doors be selfish and unloving, but you’re not fooling anyone because wherever you go there you are. The energy that you live by results in the karma of your own actions. You are your own judge and jury and for the most part your karma is determined by your own actions; what you do when no one is looking. Your own actions shape your Karma.

There’s nothing to prove to anyone, you can preach love and recite all the airy fairy nonsense that fits into a so called spiritual box, but if you’re not showing loving kindness to all beings, it’s all being done for one reason and that’s to satisfy the devil cartoon character on your shoulder. So many conditioned stories are made up about life and this keeps you in your own prison. You can get in touch with this simply by seeing how much love you show to all beings. Lip service means little here because it’s not only the world that gets hurt, it’s also yourself. So much arises daily as the devil and angel characters pop up, just make sure the one selected allows for the loving kindness of all beings because that’s what karma you will get in return…

Responder or Reactor

When life controls you you’ll react to it with whatever protective tools you have developed. This is so you don’t get hurt, but the tools you develop for protection are the ones which cause you to hurt…

To live life by principles based in spirituality doesn’t mean life becomes passive and you just let things happen. It really is just the opposite. You become more aware of what is going on in your life, you learn to have more control and respond to it from a place of love instead of reacting to it from who knows where. Without awareness life controls how things affect you. The more you want things different the more you’re a reactor instead of a responder.

When these reactions occur it’s because there isn’t enough awareness to be with what is happening in the exact moment. Normally there’s carry of some past event into the present moment and this makes you be a reactor instead of a responder. It’s very difficult to remain in a state of presence on a continuous bases, but this is why the necessity to practice comes in. Without practice you stay the reactor because you haven’t developed the necessary tools to change and become a responder.

Life is always what it is, but the way you behave when certain conditions arise is determined by conditioned thinking. What makes life different for everyone is how we develop triggers to cope with what happens in the present moment; each of us develops differently. These triggers activate our conditioned reactions. The more we live in the past and future the more triggers have the chance of being activated. When we are aware of the present moment triggers don’t manifest as reactions because they aren’t activated. Triggers can only be activated when there’s unawareness of what they are. Life can be lived through the noise in the head or it can be lived in the quietness of what’s occurring right now, but there is only quietness when you are without attached triggers. It is up to you the level of quietness and what triggers make you a responder or a reactor…

Agitated Distractions

An agitated mind is a distracted mind. You only become distracted when you think there’s something needed for completeness, but you’re complete just the way you are, you just don't know it…

There are so many ways to be distracted and there’s only one way to be present. Here are some distractions that the past mind patterns use. Food has such a strong association with pleasure and the past that it is virtually impossible to break its hold. Every time you desire food or a beverage that‘s been consumed once before, it’s because associated pleasures are established. So what the mind uses as a distraction is this association to pleasure; you don't reach for something that’s unpleasant. It’s the association of pleasure that causes the distraction.

These past ingrained distractions go on and on. You will need to investigate what you use as distractions if you want to break free of them. We all use whatever we have been conditioned to use. Gambling, sex, money, shopping, success, a spiritual journey, our children, chores, our house, TV, the lottery, sports, our cause, alcohol, drugs, fantasy, work, the list is endless. When you start to understand how these distractions take you from your own innate goodness you can begin the process of lessening the hold they have over you. It will take discipline to become aware of these distractions let alone breaking their hold, but it’s the only way; only discipline will produce the needed awareness.

It’s imperative to look at the relationship between pleasure and the past and how that association is at the core of most of the distractions that take you from being present. If it’s in the past learn to leave it there. There really isn't any benefit to bringing the past into the present unless you’re not happy in the present. It’s when the mind becomes agitated that it will look for some past pleasure distraction. When you understand your completeness and how this lack of understanding causes any distraction, you can start the process of lessening the grip so you can be free in the present; or not and live a life distracted from your own innate goodness. You are complete just the way you are, but it will take a disciplined mind to become aware of this…

No More Questions

The Conditioned Mind makes you believe answers are needed to exist, but you don't truly need these answers. The questioning is what needs to be eliminated and it will be when there's acceptance of what's happening right now…

Although the mind always wants answers, sometimes the answers gotten aren't the ones wanted, and sometimes you don't even get an answer. The problem doesn't lie in the lack of answers, it lies in the mind becoming stirred up looking for unnecessary questions. When things occur and the conditioning makes up questions that it makes you think need answering, it's very difficult for what's occurring right now to be accepted. This is the cause for most discontentment and if what's occurring right now isn't accepted it makes for a very noisy mind; the real kicker to this is it's your own mind creating this nonsense.

Life isn't something to be figured out. Actually the more you think you have it figured out the less it's known what's going on. It's the Conditioned Mind that wants to put life in a box, the moment this is done existence becomes very limited. but the mind that doesn't truly have a limit. It is limitless; a product of the Universe, which is also limitless. Our parents are human, so we too are human, but we are also of the Universe as is our mind so we are limitless because we are one in the same. Our mind can be understood to a certain degree, but the limitless of it cannot so instead of making up answers, be in the moment of what's actually occurring right now and allow this to be your answer. When this is done there won't be a need for any other answer because there won’t be anymore questions…

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Head to Heart Transition

You can live from your head, but you can only love from your heart. You don’t love in the past or future, you love in the present because the energy of the heart is from what’s occurring right now…

If you sit around waiting for the other shoe to drop it will happen because by expecting it, it’s given the energy it needs to occur. Your projections eventually become reality; projections always come from the noise in the head, never from the heart. When you love it’s from the heart and that’s the energy that will be emitted out, not the energy of waiting for the other shoe to drop. This doesn’t mean everyone will love you back even though everyone’s heart is of love, the Conditioned Mind blocks this from being known. It may be known by some in the head, but to truly emit love’s energy to others it has to be from the heart. Going from the head to the heart is a very difficult transition and it’s the road less travelled. When the idea of love gets stuck as the noise in the head there’s too much thinking involved and it becomes something other than love. I’m not sure what it is, but I do know when I love it comes from my heart.

Since projections always come from the noise in the head, this creates problems because the mind needs something to do if it isn’t trained to be still. The mind that solves problems is the same mind that creates them. If you make it a problem the other shoe will drop, when it happens (in your head only) it’s your own mind that says, see I told you so. When something is done and you say “why did I do that” the mind that told you to do it is the same one that’s making you question yourself. It’s your own mind that makes this happen. Nothing ever happens in your mind without your permission. When it’s learned to live life from the heart, the noise in the head will no longer be in control. Projecting and waiting for the other shoe to drop won’t happen so you will be free to live your life as intended; from the love in your heart instead of from the mind made nonsense of what’s going on between your ears…

Imprisoned Mind

Being dependent on anything but life’s necessities creates a mind state that one becomes imprisoned to. This imprisonment is strictly of the mind and blocks love’s guiding energy so although you are alive, you never truly live…

A substance or object can seem like it holds you captive, but it’s your own mind that puts you in a place of being imprisoned. Without the mind telling you something is needed, dependency on anything would be non existent. The subtleness of this imprisonment is mind boggling. Take an alarm clock as an example, as soon as the alarm rings if the snooze button is hit, instantly you’re imprisoned because the mind wants the moment to be in different. This is the way being imprisoned works and if there isn’t awareness of this, it’s off to the races of being controlled by a Conditioned Mind that’s dependent on wanting things the way that it wants them.

Dependency and imprisonment takes on many forms: drugs, alcohol, gambling, talking about others, eating habits, pouting or sulking, social status, being miserly (cheap), trying to control situations and people, judging, lust, greed, envy, self righteousness, false pride, and the list goes on, but what all these have in common is they’re all external used by the Conditioned Mind to fix an internal lack problem. Until something is done to allow the mind to settle, this lack will probably be there until the last day of your life in this form. If this happens life will never truly be experienced in the way that it could be. Some dependencies may not seem as devastating as others, but whatever is used it doesn’t allow love to be your guiding energy. Life can’t be experienced from the imprisonment of your own mind and because of this life is never truly lived. Only love’s guiding energy allows you to truly live and only an unconscious dependency holds you in prison to your own mind and blocks this from occurring…

Mature Clarity

Acceptance of the way things are goes a long way in providing yourself with the mature clarity of not needing to reach for a pacifier in whatever form it takes on…

Seeking self satisfaction is a sign of immaturity. It’s the I want, what I want, when I want it mind. Self seeking is directly linked to the level of mature clarity and if you don’t think this is so, what’s the difference in what you reach for now as opposed to the pacifier or bottle that was used as an infant? Only the object has changed the same reaching is in place. Stop and see the baby in place who doesn’t like what’s being written here. So your feelings may be hurt, but who cares if this article allows you to see the truth needed to act with mature clarity; how you will know immaturity is in place is by how you have to reach for things. Immaturity takes on many forms and unless the mind is very settled, immaturity and reaching will commence.

Acting with a mature clarity will only occur when seeking self satisfaction ceases. Judging is immature, jealousy also is. Greed, hate, and wanting life different (delusion) is immature. Relying on a program is immature, it’s no different than reaching for pacifier to provide comfort. Matter of fact anything that’s reached for is a sign of immaturity because it all falls under the guise of a pacifier. There’s a mature clarity when nothing in life needs to be different or reached for and this is even if some of the things done are not totally mature. Acceptance of the way things are goes a long way in providing yourself and humanity with a mature clarity of not needing to reach for a pacifier in whatever form it takes on…

Conditioned Mind Bondage

Peace is the natural process of awareness because when you’re aware of the bondage the Conditioned Mind creates, the bondage loses its control and falls away as peace naturally takes its place…

If you always have to do something this is because of the unawareness of how the Conditioned Mind holds you in bondage. Without awareness you won’t be able to apply the brakes and stop doing so the bondage of your conditioning will remain in place. This bondage of the Conditioned Mind will not be seen by a mind that’s attached to it. I woke up this morning and my postings for the day were done because I did it at night, so my mind began to look for something to do. This is the value of awareness because instead of blindly following the nonsense of doing, I was able to take a breath which immediately stopped the bondage energy needing to do something. You cannot put a price tag on this awareness because life is so much different then when it’s in bondage to the Conditioned Mind.

Do this, do that, look over there, if only, I should’ve, I wish, I want, I need, why did I do that, these is just some of the bondage of the Conditioned Mind which literally wrecks havoc on life. Without awareness this havoc is the bondage energy of life and unfortunately this is the energy of most lives. What makes this so damaging is because most people are oblivious that the bondage exist so it’s bondage after bondage. When there’s awareness of the bondage you can say stop, this immediately transforms your energy from needing to do something to peace. Peace is the natural process of awareness because when you’re aware of the bondage of your Conditioned Mind it loses its control as the need to do something falls away and peace naturally arises…

Truth is Freedom

In life there’s only freedom in truth. There‘s perception of the way things are, but that’s not truth. Perception is delusional and is a created idea to make life the way you think it should be…

There are certain things that need to be understood if you’re to know what it means to be led by the divine so you can be set free. The reason why there’s so much struggle with this is because truth isn’t brought into the heart by most people, it’s kept at the intellect level; in the head (perception). Truth can only set you free when it’s from the heart. A perception of what you think truth is isn’t truth; this perception blocks truth from being seen.

All perception is tied into a stories which is based in delusion; delusion will not set you free. People who think perception is truth are gravely mistaken and stay locked into their own conditioned lies. I know today I’m free because of the truth that has set me free, not because of my perception of this truth. If I was still living a life of created perceptions I would not be free. The divine can only be a guide when there’s a quietness that allows this to be understood, but if you make up a perception of this freedom will not occur. This is truth and it can only be known when it’s not made into a perception. There’s the way life is (truth) and there’s the way you think it should be (perception), only one of these will set you free…

Now Energy

Now energy is naturally free flowing because there’s no resistance, there’s no trying to make Now different. Future energy stops this flow because it’s based in trying to manipulate Now…

Being aware of Now at the precise moment it happens minimizes the future stories that are needed to make life the way you think it should be. Awareness stops the future story of the way you think something should be and allows the freedom of Now, this becomes the beautiful view of the way it should be. After all wanting Now different is where all future discontentment arises from. When you’re simply aware of Now as it arises there isn’t a need for a future story and selfish energy doesn’t come into play as the love of your heart naturally becomes the beautiful operating energy of life.

Future energy becomes a created prison because it doesn’t allow for a natural flow of Now energy; you become encased in the energy of the future. It’s the Conditioned Mind that cuts off the energy flow of Now as it becomes the energy of the lower nature of self centered nonsense. Why this future energy causes issue is because it bombards Now with an unnatural energy flow and doesn’t allow harmony. Now naturally free flows because there’s no resistance, there’s no trying to make it different. Future energy stops the flow because it’s based in trying to manipulate Now so what’s there is resisted to the point where the natural flow of Now energy is cut off. The only thing needed for liberation is awareness aware of awareness, there’s no future energy here, there’s just the energy of Now which is what actually is…

Peace Story

The mind is conditioned to create stories which are used to make you believe they’re needed to be at peace, but the storied belief they’re needed to be at peace is the only reason there isn’t peace…

You are the creator of the story you aren’t at peace and you believe the story. You can create any story you’d like, but if you didn’t create one you wouldn’t shrivel up and disappear, all that would happen is you would be at peace. We’ll use the example of someone bringing in some ice cream to work; from there the story you create about ice cream is nothing more than that, a story. Maybe you create a story that you love ice cream and it just so happens to be your favorite, vanilla. After all is said and done if you don’t create the story about ice cream it would still exist, it just won’t have any control over you because there won’t be any attachment to it.

The point of this example is to show how the created story becomes the created attachment which is what makes you want the ice cream. Substitute anything you want for the ice cream, it’s all the same. A created story creates attachment which in turn creates suffering. In the morning, when you first wake up, that’s when the story starts and thus the attachment, but only because you don’t know how not to create it.

Stories are the essence of the Conditioned Mind. This isn’t something to believe, it’s something to just be aware of so you can stop creating your stories. These stories which are created by your own mind, makes the world delusional and it keeps you in bondage to this delusional world. If you think this doesn’t pertain to you that’s just another story that keeps you from peace. Beyond your story there’s peace, it’s just not realized because of the need for a story…

Unsettled Mind

A conditioned mind won't settle on its own regardless of what your belief system is. Beliefs hinder the settling because they're just a response to mind conditioning that blocks your inner peace...

If your mind conditioning is in control and running your life, it doesn't matter much what's going on, it's going to be difficult for it to settle. It's such a conditioned world and what makes it so is most people are looking for an outside answer when the answer is within. What the conditioning actually is and how it's created is by not being aware that you already have your answers. With a mind that always wants answers you have to constantly look for them, hence the unsettled mind. This is how the conditioning of the mind is formed and how it blocks awareness that you already have your answers. It's conditioning created because if you knew you had your answers, the need to look for them would be non existent and so would the unsettled mind.

Everyone has the ability to consciously not attach to the mind, it’s just not something that's going to happen on its owns. Isn't it beautiful that life is in your hands, that it’s totally up to each individual how much a settled mind is brought into your life. A little practice equates to a little settling so it's up to each individual to do what's necessary to stop the unsettled mind conditioning. As you practice being in the moment the unsettled mind conditioning lessens and all that’s left is inner peace. If you are waiting for anything else you’ll be waiting a long time and it will never happen as long as the unsettled conditioned mind is in control...

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Are Kids Really Happy?

 Hello Folks,

Kids are precious, no question! 

Most parents would agree with that in words. But in deeds, they would laugh at what I just said. Why? Because in their own little world, they are more precious, they are more special than their kids since kids would not have existed if they did not make them in the first place. 

Their kids are just little extensions of theirs and they have all the rights to do anything to them. That is what they think. What do we think? Well, we think that they are just too narcissistic! And they seriously need treatment. 

Andy's father is just like that, too. He deals with a narcissistic father. Since he has this vibe in him, he attracts all the bullies on the streets. He so much wants to be happy like any other kid. Only if he manages the immature emotions and violent actions of his father. Of course, he cannot. But one day, something happens and things change. 

"Andy Wants to be Happy" is a fantastic tale of a boy who deals with his narcissistic father while he tries harder than any child in the world to grow up. 

Many readers loved Andy and his incredible story. They also liked drawing and coloring while reading what he thought, felt, and did. Would you want to know where that book is? Would you want to get it for free?

Here is the link:

Enjoy this soulful story of Andy. 

And don't forget to tell the world what you think about the book when you finish it. 

Heart Love

There's existence through mind made concepts and beliefs, but there’s a deeper place beyond these where one is guided and free of all clinging because there's a heart of love…

When the mind is settled existence becomes of love instead of reliance on your own limited concepts and beliefs. There's a deep love of the settled mind and it's in this settling that you see the existence of life itself. When one is in this settled mind state, the everlasting love of the Universe is there to quiet the mind clinging; this clinging is the cause of all doubt and discord.

A mind that's settled allows life to be lived from the Universal heart of love. This is the connection to the goodness of life, your own internal goodness, and the goodness of all beings. The connection is already there, it's just not known what it will take to have awareness of it. The only reason there isn't awareness is because there’s conditioned mind clinging blocking the love that arises from the quietness of our heart; these blocks allow for all kinds of mind nonsense.

When it's learned to discipline an undisciplined mind clinging slowly subside; what naturally remains is a deep unwavering love of the heart. This love is what's there beyond the noise of a Conditioned Mind, beyond made up concepts and beliefs. In this space there's love because with a settled mind it's known who you truly are. So love with all your heart and allow the mind to settle so you're not relying on the mind. When there’s la heart of ove life is lived in the most beneficial of ways; as the beautiful being of love that you truly are…

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