Total Trust

There’s a love of the heart that is only known when there’s total trust in the Universe, and although one may want things to be different there’s completeness in the way things are…

A true sense of completeness is the result of total trust that what is given in life is what the Universe wants one to have, but only when one is ready to receive it for the betterment of the Universe. This pertains strictly in matters of a heart of love, not one that is selfish although material possessions are also given. It isn’t in the things attained or that life is in the way that one wants it that provides the completeness, its the total trust that things are as the Universe wants them to be. This is the fulfillment the Universe provides as opposed to some human want or desire and it provides more fulfillment that anything that our human side ever will. This occurs when this is allowed to occur and even this is provided; it’s not something that a person can make occur.

There’s nothing wrong in the wanting itself, whether its to better your life, trying to assist others, or just having an ice cream sundae, but if there is attachment to the wanting, this is where problems arise because no longer is the Universe allowed to provide. It becomes “I” providing for itself and when “I” provides for itself it blocks the availability to the love of our heart , and it’s from the total trust of the Universe that one knows in the heart that nothing else is needed to be complete…

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