Life Lessons

Many things in life can teach if you’re open enough to allow it, but if there’s constant noise in the space between your ears nothing will be seen as it truly is and most lessons will be missed…

Nature can teach you much if you’re not all caught up in what’s going on between your ears. I remember the day I passed a fairly large pond by my house and I was amazed to see about a hundred ducks sitting in pond. They were all pretty still, their heads tucked away as it was below freezing. There wasn’t one duck struggling with trying to be still, there was no teacher duck leading a guided meditation, no chants, or mantras being recited. No duck had on headphones listening to meditative music or positive affirmations, they were all just sitting there in the quietness of the moment. I pulled over to observe this further to allow my present moment awareness to be a part of theirs. I was experiencing the peace of their stillness and it was a serenity beyond words; the peace that passes all understanding as stated in the Bible is just that. It only happens when there’s stillness to allow it, this is what the tranquility of this blessed moment gave to me.

There was so much silence in this moment and it engulfed me. Nothing of the material world has ever blessed me like this and I’ve had some beautiful things happen to me. This silence was being experienced because for the I’ve been using the body more and more to be anchored in the present moment and this has allowed my mind to be much more settled. I’ve seen these ducks in past, but it never had the affect on me as it did on this day. Many things in life can be our teachers if one is open enough to allow it, but if there’s constant noise in the space between one’s ears, nature or anything else for that matter will not be seen as it truly is and nor will the lessons that are being laid out fight before your eyes be seen…

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