What's Valued

You can only give to others what you value, be it of selfishness or of love is what determines what this is. To have values that are based in love is to ensure an existence that’s beneficial to all beings…

When there is a clear view of what’s valued in your life, it’s at this point that you’ll see if what’s valued is truly beneficial to you. If your values are based strictly for self serving purposes, there’s the cause of all the so called issues that you have with life. What’s valued directs the course of your behavior and you’ll behave in ways that are aligned with what you value. If your values are self serving than being aligned with a self serving direction will be the way you behave. It has to be this way, but if love is what’s of value in your life than you’ll behave in ways that are aligned with love.

You can only be what you are, you cannot be anything else. You can never be what you aren’t, your values is what determines this. It’s so important to have a clear view of your values so you can see if they’re aligned with Universal Love because it will be than that we can maximize your existence to be a benefit to yourself and also the Universe. If this isn’t clearly seen this won’t be clearly known and we will behave in ways that aren’t clearly understood, so looking at what is valued is how a person will behave and to know that your values are based in love will ensure your existence is a benefit to all; it has to be this way…

Beneficial Actions

When you’re not distracted by “I” it provides a clear view of your actions and the associated mind state, with this clear view you become more aware if your actions are truly beneficial…

When there aren’t distractions of “I” you’re able to decipher the immediate affect of your actions and their associated mind states. Seeing clearly doesn’t mean greed, hate, and delusional won’t be one of the mind states that arise, but seeing the affects of them for what they are and the controlling characteristic of the associated mind state helps to alleviate their hold. If this isn’t clearly seen these characteristics will continue to control you as if you were a puppet on a string.

Some mind states to observe would be greed, hate and delusion and their polar opposites, generosity, love, and wisdom. These are the mind states most people fluctuate between, but when you see clearly on how your actions and the associated mind states are linked, what happens is first you can decipher what mind state is associated with your action and second you’ll see if the action is beneficial. It’s very easy to see anger and its association with the mind state of hate. It doesn’t take much intelligence to see how this action isn’t beneficial to anyone, but without awareness of this you’ll remain entrapped to the mind state of hate and hence the associated action; intelligence has no bearing on this whatsoever.

It works this way with the action of giving. Giving without expectations is an action associated with the mind state of generosity, you can definitely see how this action benefits everyone, to me this is what being awake is. You aren’t rendered white as snow because you’re awake, but by the mind settling you’ll see clearly and you’ll be aware of your actions and the associated mind state of that action; you will then see if your actions are truly a benefit not only to you, but to all beings…

Governed By Principles

Just as there are physical principles that govern the universe, there are spiritual principles that govern our lives. Adhering to these principles determines the way we live, but understand there are consequences for not adhering to them…

We are our own judge, we’re not condemned by others as much as we condemn ourselves. By not adhering to certain principles there is a price to pay and that price is in our harmony with life. When we aren’t doing things that cultivate love most likely we are cultivating selfishness; this is a consequence. Selfish is selfish as love is love, there is very little middle ground. This is why when a person is unconscious there is much discord and very little harmony because the nature of unconsciousness is selfishness.

When loving principles are adhered to, the flow of life happens without resistance. When the base of life is love life is free flowing; non restricted. Our relation to love is seen through our relationship with life manifesting as the base of our behavior. This is reflected in our relationships with others and the decisions we make. Our life is measured by the principles or lack of we follow and our behavior reflects this measurement. If the behavior is self seeking, there aren’t many universal or spiritual principles being followed. If the behavior is to love than we’re in harmony with life and with others. This is reflected in the light we give out in the daily choices we make because universal and spiritual principles are being followed. Do what you may in life, but do not blame anyone for what happens to you and what is happening in the world because it’s each individuals choice what principles are being adhered to…

Void Filling

 Why people are searching, reaching, looking for the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow is because the proper filler isn’t being used; limited material fillers are being used to fill your void…

Here’s the truth of people who are on an awakened path. The view that is being used to fill the void is not based on an object out there somewhere, it’s an inner view that has no objects. What happens is this; what is being used to fill the void is Universal eternal, merciful, limitless love. Universal love is not something that anyone can possess, it can only possess you. It is everlasting because it is eternal. Nothing from the material world is eternal so nothing will ever fill the void for good. This is why people are always searching, reaching, looking for the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow because the proper filler isn’t being used; limited fillers are being used to fill the void.

If you can truly understand this you probably had a shift in being so the way you view life and the things you hold onto are from the eternal love of the Universe instead of one from the material view. This shift is what makes a persons sees things differently, nothing else. If your view doesn’t shift then your view will not change and you will keep using the material realm to fill your void. This in turn will not allow you to see that what you are using to fill your void isn’t working. If you do not see this you will remain on the path with the majority of the world and you will keep searching and reaching trying to fill the void with the things of the world that will never ever allow the void to be filled…

Love Filled Void

When there’s a void within it’s because of a deficiency of love. If you fill the void with things of the world it will never be filled, but if you fill it with love the void ceases to exist…

The difference in a person who seems to be on a path that is different than the majority of the world is there’s no void needed to be filled. I didn’t always know this, but it was revealed to me the void was the absence of love. This is a very simplistic, yet a profound explanation of the underlying nature of the void. Without love this void is the cause of every dysfunctional behavior in life. It makes you view life from the material realm and the void cannot be filled from this realm. It uses whatever it can to be filled, and until it is filled with love you will keep searching to fill it. This is why dysfunctional behavior manifest because when your view is from the material realm it’s self-serving and lacks love.

This viewed is developed because you think your answer to fill the void is in the form of some object. Nothing this void is filled with is lasting because whatever you use is limited. Think about this, any object that you use from the material world has a limit to it. Nothing of this world will last forever, except the eternal love so there’s no way the void can be filled with anything materiel. Any object used is limited so the amount of time the void is filled will be limited; it will never stay filled unless it is filled with love…

Total Trust

There’s a love of the heart that is only known when there’s total trust in the Universe, and although one may want things to be different there’s completeness in the way things are…

A true sense of completeness is the result of total trust that what is given in life is what the Universe wants one to have, but only when one is ready to receive it for the betterment of the Universe. This pertains strictly in matters of a heart of love, not one that is selfish although material possessions are also given. It isn’t in the things attained or that life is in the way that one wants it that provides the completeness, its the total trust that things are as the Universe wants them to be. This is the fulfillment the Universe provides as opposed to some human want or desire and it provides more fulfillment that anything that our human side ever will. This occurs when this is allowed to occur and even this is provided; it’s not something that a person can make occur.

There’s nothing wrong in the wanting itself, whether its to better your life, trying to assist others, or just having an ice cream sundae, but if there is attachment to the wanting, this is where problems arise because no longer is the Universe allowed to provide. It becomes “I” providing for itself and when “I” provides for itself it blocks the availability to the love of our heart , and it’s from the total trust of the Universe that one knows in the heart that nothing else is needed to be complete…

Reflecting Awareness

Reflecting and learning from life allows for one who was once lost to now be found and one who was blind to now see, but only because of having the awareness that allows this…

If there’s not some kind of way to be reflective, it will be difficult to proceed in a direction where there will be any expansion in your life. The first thing to reflect on is if you even have a practice in place that’s practical and beneficial. I don’t mean a practice belonging to certain groups, although there’s nothing wrong with that, but if it’s in place to just keep you busy, it’s not really a beneficial practice. Although it is a practice, reflecting on how it is working to quiet the mind or how it keeps the mind agitations in place is what one needs to be aware of to allow for the continuous expansion of life’s process. I’m sharing this because this is what has allowed the view I have today. There’s no magic to this, a beneficial practice has to be in place if one is to experience beneficial results, this is as simple as one plus one equals two.

Reflect on your behavior, reactions, attachments, annoyances, and whatnot and see what is the driving force behind them. This driving force is the block to expanding beyond the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind. Without a solid practice in place that allows this to be seen, you might as well not practice at all because it’s just a waste of time and energy. Either do it right (beneficial) or don’t do it at all. One can only be free by being free and only a practice that puts you in harmony with life allows harmony with life. For many years I did things that produced results that weren’t beneficial, but I’ve reflected and learned from this and because of this where I was once lost, I’m now found and where I was blind, I now see, but only because of having the awareness that allows this…

Surface Perspective

 If you can develop some awareness of inner stillness, the surface perspective will have less control as your mind agitations subside and without these agitations you will never have a need to reach for anything…

If you’re always seeing life from the surface perspective of the objects the eyes see, those objects will be judged accordingly and what’s going on beneath the surface will not be noticed. Although with an object minded perspective life still goes on, but it’s very limited almost to the point of being delusional; I say this because it’s how I lived for forty nine years and it caused my life to be a constant struggle. The constant struggle was self created and controlled by the surface perspective, although this wasn’t understood at the time. An surface perspective life is one where there is constant reaching and the reaching is caused by the mind agitations which aren’t seen. This is why someone will reach for anything without giving it much thought regardless if it’s beneficial or not. In that moment the Conditioned Mind deems it beneficial, but this is a big fat lie.

The surface perspective will only be noticed when the Conditioned Mind stops its incessant busyness. One will have to be able to just be for the busyness to subside; you will not see the essence of the forest from the trees if the mind is to busy being focused on the trees. This surface perspective is strictly mind based, hence the reason it’s not conducive to one’s well being is it’s unstable, as there are so many things on the surface to see, one right after another. This is why the big fat lie is in the forefront of most lives and stillness takes a back seat. If you can develop some awareness of inner stillness, less and less the surface perspective will be in control because the mind agitations will subside. It will be at this point that the need to reach for something will be lessened as it’s probably the first time in your life that this has happened…

Backwards Thinking

 Accepting everything as it is seems like a tall order, but the alternative is to not accept it and look at things from a backwards point of view (wanting things different) and in the process cause your own suffering…

Nothing stays the same so it’s not the changes that occur in life that throws one for a loop, it’s the backwards thinking that things will always be as they are, this is what makes changes much more difficult to deal with. If everything could be accepted as it is, one would never be thrown for a loop because the backwards thinking that tells you things should remain as they are wouldn’t occur. Accepting everything as it is seems like a very tall order, but the alternative is to not accept it and look at things from a backwards thinking point of view and in the process cause your own suffering.

For one to get beyond their backwards thinking, it has to be understood that it’s your own mind that’s causing it. Life is seen through the way it’s created and its created through how it’s viewed. Why a view is considered backwards is because of how rigid the mindset is when changes occur and they’re not accepted. This rigidness keeps the mind closed to the conditioning that sees things as backwards; if this conditioning isn’t changed nor will the backwards thinking change. It’s not that forward thinking needs to be implemented, all that’s needed is to be aware of the backwards thinking. Awareness is key in change because it allows for acceptance and when the world can be accepted as it is, good, bad, or indifferent, then just maybe one can think in a way that allows you to put your best thinking forward…

Mind Noise

 A noisy mind won’t quiet on its own regardless of what your belief system is. Beliefs hinder the quieting because they’re just a response to mind noise that blocks your inner presence…

If your mind noise is in control and running your life, it doesn’t matter much what’s going on, it’s going to be difficult to be in a place of peace. It’s such a noisy world and what makes it so is most people are looking for an answer outward when the answer is within. What the noise actually is and how it’s created is by not being aware that you already have your answers. With a mind that’s conditioned to want answers you have to constantly look for them, hence the mind noise. This is how the noise of a Conditioned Mind is formed and how it blocks awareness to your inner presence. It’s noise created because if you knew you had your answers, the need to look for them would be non existent and so would the mind noise.

Everyone has the ability to consciously remove the mind, but it’s just not something that’s going to happen on its owns. Isn’t it beautiful that your peace is in your hands, that it’s totally up to each individual how much peace is brought into your life. A little practice equates to a little peace so it’s up to each individual to do what’s necessary to stop the mind noise. As you practice being in the moment the mind noise quiets and you’re left with an inner presence. If you are waiting for anything else, you will be waiting a very long time and it will probably not happen while you are alive in this form…

Instant Change

 Life as it is right now can change in an instant. Although change is the nature of life, the problem lies in holding onto things as if they will remain the same forever…

Last night I had a sharp pain on the right side of my chest which lasted for about five seconds; it went away and never returned. In those five second many thoughts entered my mind. One was what if I’m having a heart attack and my life was to end right now; everything I think is so important would be gone. I reflected (rather quickly) on how it would all be gone in an instant and none of the nonsense that goes on between my ears really means anything. None of it. If life were to end right now for me what is it that I think is so important? My answer, nothing because there’s nothing that would be taken with me; it would all cease to exist.

All my writings, my daily post, what I think is of value, my social status, my family, all my possessions, everything, sixty two years of existence, poof just like that, gone and all without my permission. Death comes in an instant. This isn’t morbid to contemplate, it’s reality in its truest form. Death is inevitable, it’s just not known when. Many will die today who aren’t expecting it. It may be me, it may be you, so nothing should be held onto.

There’s freedom in knowing death doesn’t need permission to occur. Things don’t need to be in order, it all falls by the wayside regardless if it’s welcomed or not. Nothing is really that important, it my seem like it is to the Conditioned Mind, but upon further review it isn’t. This is because nothing is taken with you and the world created between your ears no longer exist. The thing about this is it all occurs without your permission so there’s no benefit holding onto anything because none of it can be taken with you…

Contribution to Humanity

Contribution to Humanity:

All of life hinges on a single thought that makes life what it is. Learning to skillfully decipher which thoughts are truly beneficial determines your contribution to humanity...

What a person is up against in life and why change is so difficult is because a deeply rooted belief system that's almost impossible to break free from is in place; this occurs even if truth is revealed. I say almost because even though this belief system is constantly reinforced and remains the default setting of one's mind, if a person has a shift in their perspective, their created reality changes. Without some kind of shift the old way remains in place and this is why there are so many different beliefs in the world and why everyone thinks theirs is the right one; it's so deeply ingrained it’s impossible to see beyond it until something removes the veil of ignorance. 

The thoughts that you cling to that make up a belief system are done so because you think they're beneficial, if not there wouldn’t be clinging; if these thoughts aren't seen as erroneous they remain in place. The more one thinks their created belief system is the right one the harder it is to see beyond it. Seeing the world through thought is ignorant because everyone has different ones and that's why everyone see things differently. 

There's only one truth and until this is seen ignorance remains. To get to the point where you’re not ignorant you have to go beyond the thoughts that hold your belief system (conditioning) in place. It all begins as one single thought and then a person's conditioning determines what happens next. Clinging to it or not is the difference in how life is viewed and if there's going to be unity or separation with others. The truth is there is iever separation, but it feels this way when there's a thought that makes you think there is. Life hinges on a single thought that makes it what it is so skillfully choose which ones are truly beneficial to humanity...

Operating Energy

When you’re not being controlled by things from the outside, therein lies your freedom, but it isn’t freedom because life is how it is wanted, there’s freedom because you’re with life how it is…

The operating energy that controls your life makes your life what it is. It doesn’t make life what it is because life as it is never changes. It does however make YOUR life what it is and until your operating energy puts you in harmony with life, there won’t be any and hence your life will be the way that it is because it’s the way you are making it. It’s actually a beautiful thing when one becomes aware of this because it puts you at the controls; there’s nothing more that a person could want. When one isn’t being controlled by things from the outside, therein lies your freedom, but it isn’t freedom because life is the way that it’s wanted, there’s freedom because you’re with life as it is.

What happens with the mind that has operating energy not based in love is it gets hijacked by its own conditioning which holds you hostage to your own conditioning. I know this sounds crazy, but this is exactly what happens and it’s all because of the operating energy based to self serve. When the operating energy in place is controlled by a me, me, me mind, crazy is the norm or so it seems, but it’s only because of the operating energy; when the operating energy changes the craziness subsides. So when you sit and see what the base of your actions are, you just may be able to change them. It will take some time though because of the conditioning in place, but the alternative is to remain the way you are; being controlled by an operating energy that holds you hostage…

Heart Unity

There’s a unity that comes from a deep place, it’s not a place that’s associated with any human activity, it’s a place which simply unites us all to the love in our hearts…

In my experience the love of my heart cannot expand on its own, it needs others. Deepening a connection with others deepens the love of the heart which is what unites us. If unity to each other were to happen there would be no more greed, hate, or war because we would fall over each other in love; it’s in this love for each other that the magnificence of life is experienced. A majestic sunset, a cool summer breeze, the magnificence of the ocean, a starlit night, loving oneself and others is a unity to all humanity, these are experiences from a deep place within.

I don’t profess to know what life is about, but I do understand how a connection to others deepens our love. When this is experienced it leaves one speechless. For me because of all of you I have been speechless many times in the last thirteen years. I’m using the word love to describe this, but to feel this unity words cannot truly explain it. To watch in awe as I’m speaking to someone and as I explain what I went through, I see a sparkle of unity in their eyes, to me this is our hearts connecting. There’s unity that comes from such a deep place; it’s not something that any human activity can make happen. Only when there’s a deepening connection with others which allows for a deepening love of our own heart will there be unity; with ourselves and with all humanity…

Opinionated Prison

When there’s awareness that your opinions put you in a self created prison, freedom takes their place. This freedom is always there, but not experienced because opinions block it from being seen…

Without being in prison to your opinions everyone would view life through the eyes of freedom which by the way are the eyes of peace, but because of a opinionated prison this view isn’t seen. The prison of opinions are made up by the energy of unconsciousness, this makes everything that happens in life about your opinion, but it isn’t truly ever about what is seen, it‘s not about anything in particular except the prison your opinion puts you in.

Opinions are what makes the mind attach to thoughts and those attachments becomes the prison that cause the associated thoughts to control your life. What is really happening is this, life just happens it’s not personal, it’s not about anything you think it is. It’s not about right, wrong, love, hate, good or bad, it‘s mostly about learning to understand your minds true nature of quietness and not be imprisoned by your made up opinions. When there’s awareness of this you will truly be free; a freedom that has always been there in the space of quietness, but it was never experienced because your own mind form an opinion that imprisoned you…

Surface View Suffering

If you only see and attach to what’s on the surface therein lies the root to your suffering. It’s in letting go of your surface view that you will see there are many parts to the whole which reveals the emptiness of all form…

When your view is on the surface level of existence, life becomes an idea and although we all experience life in the human form, it’s why it’s seen differently by everyone. The exception are those who don’t see life as an idea, this state is of emptiness which needs no idea, yet there is still existence. Everything is the sum of the parts that makes up the whole so nothing is truly what an idea makes it out to be because it’s only seen as a thought. When you look at a tree and apply the thought “tree” the surface parts, the trunk, limbs, branches, and leaves are separated and the true nature of the tree is lost. If you can see this with the tree, you can see it with everything, including yourself. Without the idea of you where is the you, and that’s just the surface you I’m asking about, most don’t even think about the parts of you that are on the inside.

There is much freedom in seeing this because it allows for the emptiness of all things to be revealed. When you see there’s nothing to hold onto no matter what, therein lies your freedom. You attach a thought to something that keeps track of time (a watch) but there are so many parts to it so which part is truly the watch. Ideas will keep you marred in ignorance because they will block you from seeing the true nature of emptiness in all things; you will only see the surface whole. When this happens you can only see and attach to what’s on the surface and therein lies the root to all suffering. It’s in letting go of the surface view that you will see there are many parts to the whole which reveals form is emptiness, emptiness is form…

A True Benefit

What’s truly a benefit in your life takes a very settled mind for it to been seen. Many of the tools developed that are considered beneficial are found that they actually aren’t a benefit…

It’s more important to develop practical tools that have actual benefits in their results than to spew out nonsense that just produces hot air. We all have certain theories, but if they don’t manifest in results that are beneficial they’re valueless. To know what is truly beneficial and adds value to life it has to be seen what is a true benefit, not just what’s thought to be a benefit.

At first the alcoholic thinks drinking is a benefit, but it turns against him. Same thing with the heroin addict, people who abuse pain medication, gamblers, food addicts, thrill seekers and the such. It’s not limited to only glaring addictions, it also applies to less subtle ones. Chocolate cake may seem like it’s a benefit because it brings pleasure, but what if you’re over weight or a diabetic, not much benefit for those people; sugar itself is not beneficial to anyone. Speeding may get you to your destination quicker, but it’s dangerous and not a true benefit; the list goes on and on.

The more practical things are kept in life, the more settled the mind stays and with a settled mind what is truly beneficial is clear. If one remains in a state where things are accepted as they are right now, the mind doesn’t come into play as much. But if you engage in the thought process of some past or future conditioning, the mischief begins as many non beneficial things will be a part of your life; no matter how little value they may truly have…

Energy of Creation

Separation from yourself occurs when the energy of creation has a label applied. This happens because creation becomes “MY”story and there’s no connection when one comes from a place to self serve…

The are so many names for the energy of creation, but to me what’s important is what’s produced by connecting with it. It’s not a concern what it’s called because words diminish it and put it in a so called box. This energy is what led me from my self destructive behavior and it continues to lead me even when “I” takes hold of some self serving behavior. This is why one is their own obstacle because it has to do with the energy of our connection to the present moment and very few live there. The more you can be present and observe the stillness of the moment, the more chance there is to connect with the energy of creation. This doesn’t take a belief in something to allow this to happen, it takes an awakened heart to see that a belief actually blocks the connection to creation energy.

It’s more beneficial not to limit yourself with labeling things a certain way. Labeling limits the flow of energy to go in a certain direction, and although whatever the direction I’m okay with it, connected to the energy of creation is more free flowing and beneficial to all beings. There are many labels attached to about this and it blocks you from a connection with yourself. There’s only one energy of creation and the proof is we are all created the same. There’s nothing to debate here because it’s the truth. The debate starts when the energy of creation needs a label because it then becomes “MY” attachment and there’s no connection when you come from a place to self serve…

Life Lessons

Many things in life can teach if you’re open enough to allow it, but if there’s constant noise in the space between your ears nothing will be seen as it truly is and most lessons will be missed…

Nature can teach you much if you’re not all caught up in what’s going on between your ears. I remember the day I passed a fairly large pond by my house and I was amazed to see about a hundred ducks sitting in pond. They were all pretty still, their heads tucked away as it was below freezing. There wasn’t one duck struggling with trying to be still, there was no teacher duck leading a guided meditation, no chants, or mantras being recited. No duck had on headphones listening to meditative music or positive affirmations, they were all just sitting there in the quietness of the moment. I pulled over to observe this further to allow my present moment awareness to be a part of theirs. I was experiencing the peace of their stillness and it was a serenity beyond words; the peace that passes all understanding as stated in the Bible is just that. It only happens when there’s stillness to allow it, this is what the tranquility of this blessed moment gave to me.

There was so much silence in this moment and it engulfed me. Nothing of the material world has ever blessed me like this and I’ve had some beautiful things happen to me. This silence was being experienced because for the I’ve been using the body more and more to be anchored in the present moment and this has allowed my mind to be much more settled. I’ve seen these ducks in past, but it never had the affect on me as it did on this day. Many things in life can be our teachers if one is open enough to allow it, but if there’s constant noise in the space between one’s ears, nature or anything else for that matter will not be seen as it truly is and nor will the lessons that are being laid out fight before your eyes be seen…

Free From Yourself

Truth isn’t something made up nor can it be held onto. It’s only known when it’s realized there’s nothing to know and it’s in the space of not knowing that truth sets you free from yourself…

To me it’s clear what truth is and here’s why: thirteen years ago when I started looking inward, a different view of live life arose; at the core of this was a peace that passed understanding. I didn’t know much about anything, but I did know I needed a different way to view life. I understood one thing, that my own mind was the cause as to why I wasn’t at peace so I set out to find out why this was and if it was possible to be at peace. As this process of self investigation proceeded my view was slowly being transformed and as this happened my life become less and less about me. It didn’t become about anyone else, it just wasn’t about fulfilling all my wants and desires anymore; when this happens qualities associated with love naturally arise. This doesn’t mean everything goes the way it’s wanted, but it does mean it doesn’t matter how it goes because if it’s not all about me then there’s no story of wanting and needing things a certain way and without a story one is at peace.

Truth is difficult to describe in words because it’s interpreted differently by everyone. I have found truth in the space of what is, but not in what is itself, in the space of what is. What is has many labels that are dependent on what’s occurring at the time. It can horrible, beautiful, or neutral, the label doesn’t change what’s actually occurring, being in the space of what’s occurring changes it and that’s because without a label there’s only space. In this space there’s no story and without a story that is when truth is revealed. It’s not a made up truth, it’s the truth of being in the space of what’s here right now and not needing to add a label or story to it. In this space is where one finds truth, but it has nothing to do with you or anyone else and this is when you will clearly see the truth that sets you free from yourself…

Mind Noise

Mind noise exist because it’s what’s there. Attachment gives it the needed energy so it responds accordingly, but when one is present the mind is still as the noise subsides on its own…

I woke up very early today and almost instantly like on automatic pilot, my mind wanted to make this a problem; the noise started. There wasn’t any reason for the noise except that my mind wanted to convince me that either “I” should be sleeping or “I” should be thinking about how to solve the worlds problems. At the very least “I” should be thinking about my day ahead and solving all my own problems, but instead of feeding into this energy, I just stayed present with the awareness of the noise.

Being awake regardless of the time isn’t good or bad, or even a problem, it’s just what was happening at that moment. My mind was noisy and just responding to what was there. A present moment anchor was established and there was this awareness of being awake which isn’t a problem unless it made into one. So by being aware of this and establishing a present moment anchor the mind simply settled and the noise subsided on its own…

Inner Completeness

An inward view provides completeness, an outward view provides so many distractions that your incompleteness is inevitable. An inward view is of the heart where there’s the space of no distractions…

Peace is provided with an inward view regardless of what goes on outside. This is difficult to comprehend because of the developed view that when we get this or that there will be at peace. There’s nothing wrong with getting what you want in life, but understand when one equates their accomplishment to their sense of well-being, the sense of well-being will not last. This isn’t only applied to accomplishing something, it applies to all of life. Even if you’re told you have a year to live, it still doesn’t have anything to do with what’s occurring right now. If you’re living by the outer conventional way of thinking you create stories, but if you can find a way to stay out of your head you’ll minimize the nonsense going on between you ears and all you will have to deal with is what’s actually occurring.

It makes no sense to live life from an outward view, but that’s where most people live. No matter what’s accomplished the moment it’s completed it’s over, only the memory engrained from the outward way of thinking makes you attach a story that it means something; it’s then used to define your identity and establish your sense of well-being. Our psyche plays havoc on our emotions and we listen to it because this is what’s been developed.

Think of it as whistling in the dark to keep the bogeyman away. The bogeyman doesn’t exist, but we whistle anyway and here is the irony of this, we are doing something to keep something away that doesn’t exist, think about the insanity of this. It’s the same with our so called accomplishments, we gauge our well-being on them, but we’re using them like whistling in the dark. Peace is inward as life is eternal, it’s of the heart. An inner view is the only place where our completeness exist. It doesn’t take any accomplishment for this to be, as a matter of fact when you can just be there’s completeness…

"I" is Ego

The ego lives in the ignorance of the Conditioned Mind, but when there’s light shed on this, ignorance is no more and the ego no longer needs to defend itself because it no longer considers itself an enemy…

Understanding the different thoughts that arise and seeing why some are defended and some are just let go of has immense value in learning to live life to the fullest. You will want to develop some sort of practice that’s going to assist in differentiating what thoughts are beneficial. The ego is “I” and when “I” feels threatened it will defend itself with whatever tools it has developed to do so. These tools aren’t only used to defend itself against others, they’re also used to defend itself against itself. They’re the only reason a person reaches for something and it’s strictly because they are defending themselves from a threat that comes from within. This “I” is the cause of every addiction and of all conflicts, without “I” one does still exist, it’s just not in the way the ego makes it seem.

When you can see the truth that “I” (ego) is your only enemy, when a threat presents itself there will be no need to defend it because it will be seen you are only defending yourself against yourself. There’s no suppressing this nor anything else that arises because suppressing or pushing away is an action that deepens it’s control. To me awareness of an “I” existence is the beginning of it relinquishing its grip. In acknowledging it’s there, control dissipates somewhat, this happens when the energy of attachment is taken away. Never deny what’s there, just be aware of it and watch it dissolve on its own. The ego lives in the ignorance of the Conditioned Mind, but when there’s light shed on this ignorance is no more and the ego no longer needs to defend itself because it no longer considered an enemy…

Simply Let Go

Truly letting go isn’t a doing nor does it take effort, it’s something that happens naturally simply by non attachment. The more one tries to let go the tighter the grip gets…

One can spend years reading spiritual books, going to self help and 12 step programs, spending thousands attending seminars by all the so called experts, retreats, meditating for hours on end, doing chakra and kundalini meditation, reiki healing, yoga, therapy, and so on. I’m sure many will identify with the constant barrage of trying the flavor of the month. You can try everything and yet except for being more knowledgeable you will be no freer than the day you started looking into this. Part of the issue is you get stuck in trying everyone else’s method of what they said is needed to become enlightened, but most people’s method don’t even work for themselves, if they did a method wouldn’t be pushed.

One day there was a women who was at wits end and sat with this and what arose in her was this; she was going to walk up the highest mountain she could find and either become enlightened or die. The one thing that was very clear to her, she was done struggling so her journey up the mountain began. On her way up the mountain there was a man coming down the mountain carry two large bundles on his shoulders, the path was narrow and she noticed he was wearing monk like clothing. The woman had heard in stories when one is ready to awaken the right teacher will appear. As their eyes met, she felt compelled to tell him where she going and asked him if he knew how to become enlightened. The man said nothing as he put the two bundles he was carrying down. Instantly the women saw the lesson, the man was showing her how to let go. She than asked him, is that it, just let go? The man smiled and nodded, again she asked, so that’s it, just let go, what happens next? Without saying a word, the man picked up the two bundles he was carrying, put the them back on his shoulders and continued down the mountain…

Move On

You only act in ways that come from inside of you. A trigger activates the Conditioned Mind and you act accordingly from what’s in place; accept it until the mind settles and move on…

Unity as a society is dependent on learning to love ourselves first. If we judge ourselves there is no way we won’t judge others and in our judgements the unity of society will be fleeting at best. Unity with humanity doesn’t start with humanity, it starts with yourself. If you can’t accept yourself as you are there’s no way you will be able to accept anyone else as they are. You may be able to accept someone for a time, if they are as you want them to be, but as far as them remaining that way will also be fleeting at best. This ability to accept yourself will only occur when you know our own mind and only in the sense of how it is the cause of not accepting yourself exactly as you are.

Think of this when you act in a way that’s not in your best interest, where does that originate from? You would purposely act in a way that isn’t beneficial to your own well being, but it’s done all the time. These acts come from your own mind. it’s not the act that causes the problem, it’s wanting the way you act to be different, that’s the problem; it’s impossible to change whats already been done. So accept it and move on and possibly if you are practicing living a life that allows the mind to settle, the next time something triggers the Conditioned Mind to act in a way that’s not in one’s best interest you may be able to respond differently. If you do act in a way that’s not beneficial, accept it and move on. When the mind settles enough, you will stop acting in ways that aren’t in your best interests, but in the meantime understand you are perfect just as you are because good, bad, or indifferent, you are only doing what you are conditioned to do; accept it and move on…

Truth of What Is

The main thing to understand about truth is this, it will be revealed when there isn’t a story needed to define what is seen nor is it the result of any doing on your part; truth arises from the stillness of what is…

I spent forty nine years of my life searching for something, but I never really knew what I was looking for. Today I understand what I was looking for was truth, but it’s not the made up truth mostly used by people to make themselves feel better, it’s a truth that arises when the mind settles. This is difficult to grasp because of the way one is conditioned to understand what truth is. Truth can’t realistically be defined, once it’s defined it’s made up. Truth is truth as love is love, no definition truly defines these; they’re basically one in the same.

Truth isn’t revealed by a doing or making up a story of what it is, it’s only revealed when the mind settles. In this settling what was previously hidden by conditioned mind distractions becomes known, but not known in the sense where it needs to be defined. I don’t know what happened to me thirteen years ago, but I began noticing the lies that I lived by and the more awareness there was of them the more peace I experienced in my life. The more peace there is in my life, the less stories (lies) have to be made up to live by. Although I never tell anyone how to live, I know the way I write is bold to some people because of the directness. A person’s ego will not relinquish its control without a fight so someone’s view of me really isn’t about me; when the ego sees something as a threat to its very existence it acts accordingly. The main thing to understand about truth is it will be revealed when there isn’t a story needed to define it nor is it the result of any doing on your part; it arises from the stillness of what is…

The Elusive NOW

The body anchors one in NOW. When this alignment occurs there is harmony, but if the body isn’t used as an anchor the mind continues to grasp for objects and NOW remains elusive…

Although life only happens NOW, NOW is probably the most elusive place for one to not only remain in, but to get to. To me the reason for this elusiveness is because one tries to get there with the mind and most minds aren’t disciplined enough to get there, let alone stay there. Because of the way we have evolved as a species, most minds are in constant motion of the past or future trying to figure out how to make life more pleasurable, and although pleasure is attained at times it never last for long. This is how the mind views the NOW also, it knows it’s where life happens intellectually and there’s much pleasure here, but it doesn’t fully grasp what this means so it never settles. It’s one of the reasons objects are used and until there’s a shift that allows one to see the NOW through the body, the NOW which allows peace remains elusive.

The body becomes the source of light for the awareness of the NOW when this shift happens. There’s nothing more to do with this shift except to practice becoming more aware of the source of light of the body. There are many objects that the mind uses to keep the NOW elusive, but the body regardless of the object the mind grasp for, is always in the NOW. When a thief cases out a place, he’s in the NOW, but he’s in the mind. The body anchors one in NOW so when this alignment occurs there’s harmony. This is as natural as life itself, but if the body isn’t used as a NOW anchor the mind will continue to grasp for objects and NOW will remain elusive…

Beneficial Decisions

Since the mind that tells you to do something is the same mind that questions why it was done, there’s no way you can be sure the so called right decisions you make are actually the most beneficial…

You think every decision made is the right one, if you didn’t you wouldn’t make it, but just because you think it’s right that doesn’t mean it actually provides the most benefits. What’s of real importance is if the decisions you make are truly beneficial. Many decisions are made that aren’t always the most beneficial, why do you think this is? If you were really in control of your life, you would never make a decision that wasn’t beneficial. Dream your dreams, do your good deeds, but the question always comes back to “what are the motives behind the decisions made. That will determine not so much if you make the right decisions, but if decisions made are the most benefits possible.

To understand this you will have to investigate your own mind and the motives behind your decisions. Decisions will be made based on conditioning, that’s what applies the label right. Because most people are controlled by their self serving conditioning, decisions are usually of the self serving variety. Most decisions are based on this and they’re not the most beneficial, but they’re the decisions made so live with it, accept it, and move on. Just understand the motives behind them and not only can you make the right one, but you will also make the one that is most beneficial to you and to all beings…