The selfish and destructive conditioned mind behavior that was in control for much of my life has mostly settled in a place of neutrality. I would never say the conditioning is gone forever because by attaching to it as so would give it the needed energy to return. It’s very important to see the present moment as being the point of contact where the world is connected to, but don’t make it into a story. We live an existence torn between listening to the silence of the Universe and attaching to the sounds of the world. By being aware of the first part the energy necessary to prevent the second naturally occurs; truth settles in stillness.
You will never stop the sounds of the world or there will never be an entire world of love. You can however listen to your own heart and not be a part of the worlds noise by keeping your own house in order instead of being drawn to the noise and trying to change everything else. When you are mindful of your own conditioning and have awareness of the place where there’s a connection to the world, this is the space where the world is offered your true self. But make no mistake this doesn’t occur by trying to change the world or by ignoring its sounds, it simply happens by hearing the silence of the Universe beneath all the noise…

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