The stories created become habit, this is what the Conditioned Mind does it creates stories. The only conflict there ever was with someone was our stories didn’t match. This is also true today, although the story doesn’t usually come from me because I’ve learned enough to allow everything to be as it is and not want it different; for the most part. I say for the most part because there are habitual triggers that get activated, but it’s more of a momentary reaction than one that hangs around long enough to create a story. I only created stories when I wanted something different so if I don’t want you, life, or what happens different, than I’m in a place of peace. This peace doesn’t seem to change much that’s happening around me, but remaining unattached and at peace changes everything, at least for me.
Every disagreement people have with each other is because the habitual stories don’t match up. Everyone thinks their story is the right one, but the fact of the matter is until you learn to stop making up habitual stories, you will always be in conflict with something; what’s not realized is the conflict is with yourself. This happens all the time, I don’t write to change anyone, when people have strong opinions against my articles it’s only a habitual story. I don’t agree or disagree with anyone so this non storied energy always matches up; no habitual energy. The funny thing to me is, it doesn’t matter how anyone sees things because we’re all conditioned differently, but to some the story of making others see things their way arises. It’s so freeing to live without needing a habitual story. Watch the stories arise as the Conditioned Mind attaches to whatever it is that’s occurring in each moment. If you truly see this you just may be able to break the habit of needing to make up a story…

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