Constantly reaching for things outside yourself keeps you in the grip of the need to reach because it’s as though it creates a hole in a donut. The reason why reaching is done is to try and fill the hole, but the reaching for things outsides yourself keeps the reaching in place, thus the hole remains. Only by looking inward does the hole begin to be filled, but what really happens is it simply collapses because the outside reaching weakens. Years of conditioning makes the hole in the donut almost impossible to fill and it’s unfortunate because most never get beyond it; almost impossible was written because the slightest turning inward is all that’s needed. Once reaching outside ceases because its lie is exposed, looking inward becomes the choice and it has a ball rolling down a hill effect; it just naturally picks up momentum.
Outside reaching is used as a protection mechanism so going inward isn’t an option. The greatest lie that is told to ourselves and constantly reinforced is, we need something to be complete, but there’s nothing further from the truth. Everyone begins existence complete, it’s just that it’s not really known, hence that’s why there’s a need to reach for it. Many have a sense of lack in their lives so the reaching seems natural, but it’s not. We’re not meant to create the hole in the donut, it’s only so because of the conditioning that’s developed. Once the slightest inkling of this occurs, everything changes and it’s because an inward view reveals truth and although we live a lie for most of our lives when truth is revealed the hole fills because truth sets you free…

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