A large part of the problem when it comes to the world changing is individual agendas. There’s way to much energy wasted on these; if the world is to change it has to be done as a united agenda to love. We all need to have a united heart and give that agenda to the heart of others. This agenda is from the Universe and it’s the awakened heart that realizes this. An awakened heart is not limited to certain religious belief or mind made concepts, it‘s open to anyone who has a pure heart. The only way for it to be pure is to remove its pollutants. An example of this would be polluted water: Nothing has to be added to polluted water to return it to its natural state of purity, all that needs to be done is to remove the pollutants.
Certain religious belief and concepts are actually a deterrent to being united. Although religion is a way to develop the discipline needed to quiet the mind, it is the Universe that is of unity not some dogma or doctrine made up by what someone thinks. The Universe is our guide, but the mind has to be very quiet to see where the guidance leads. I don’t mean a made up guidance to make an individual feel they’re doing their part, I mean a guidance that is united and nothing else. When you die all you leave behind is the unity you have others. Nothing else really means that much. If the world ended tomorrow and whose to say it won’t, what did all your individual agenda accomplish, except maybe to say “I know I did my part” whatever that means.
The only thing that matters is to remove all your pollutants so unity energy is emitted to all beings; this is a Universe doing. What I share is a message of unity, but it’s not my unity it’s the unity of the Universe. Of myself I can do nothing but self seek. It’s through the surrendering of your own agenda that the Universe will find the best possible way to use you; what that results in is up to the Universe not some individual agenda. In unity is our strength, it‘s the self serving agenda that keeps us from being united by love…

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