When something doesn’t happen the way it’s expected, disappointment usually follows. The disappointment is because the expedition originates from within our own self. This is a reflection to become more aware of to see how your emotions are tied into your expectations. The real question is why do we expect things to be a certain way instead of being with what actually occurs? You can never truly be disappointed with what occurs if you understand life isn’t personal, it’s just what happens in each moment. You can make it personal, but the real question is why do you? Sometimes life works out the way you want, it’s probably more luck than anything else. I mean this in the sense of expectations, not in the sense of being aligned with Universal Energy and having things work out for you. When this occurs it’s really because you’re cooperating and are aligned with the Universe so therefore things are really working out for the Universe, not for you individually. This is the essence of love, not one iota of expectations for your own self serving desires.
For me expectations lead to disappointment because its usually based in some self serving desire. When this is understood and your head and feet are in the same moment, aligned with Universal Energy, the love that’s in your heart overcomes the selfishness that’s in your head. This means there’s usually less and less disappointment with things, not because things work out the way that you want, but because the expectations that they need to be a certain way aren’t there. Without expectations the heart stays connected with the love of the Universe. Life is so different in this realm as opposed to the realm of your self serving expectations. Live anyway you choose, but if your life isn’t aligned with Universal Love and you aren’t living accordingly, you can expect to be disappointed more often than not and that’s one expectation you can expect to occur, without exception…

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