Method or Program Bondage

If you say you understand something and add however or but, you don’t really understand it, you are just appeasing the Conditioned Mind nonsense of “I” that’s in control...
If you are following another persons method or program to live your life you are in bondage. It doesn’t matter how it’s justified (we all learn differently, not really) truth is truth and the only way it will be revealed is in stillness. You cannot attach to anyone’s method or program and have truth revealed because attaching to a method or program is a block. There’s so much reinforced unconsciousness in the world, it’s one of the reasons why I don’t offer a method or way because then I would be like everyone else and be the cause of your bondage. I just point people to stillness because that’s what I have learned to do.
Stop following others and exalting them, look to yourself for your answers. Asking yourself constantly “Is it true” or any other question is bondage because “I” is doing the questioning. Wake up! “I” is your only block to freedom, nothing else. This is not different for everyone, this is the one common trait of all unconsciousness. Stop with all the unconscious nonsense and see “I” for what it is.
No one can provide you with a method or program for your freedom. Your “I” will lie to you and tell you there’s a need to attach to something, but right now you are as complete as you are ever going to be; you just don’t realize it, and no method or program will reveal it, only stillness will. Stop following all the so call spiritual methods and simply keep your head where your feet are in the only place that exist “NOW”. It’s really heartbreaking to see how “I” is reinforced constantly by people, causing so much separation and suffering by saying things like we learn differently. The only thing different is our conditioned attachments, but the core of them is the same “I”. This is the only thing that needs to be addressed unless you want to keep chasing your tail by following someone else’s method or program because your conditioning doesn’t know how to simply be still...

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