You will be tied to the things that you center on in your life and the more centered you make something the more it will be your life’s energy; how you live your life depends on what you center on. Your life is in your hands, its not dependent on some deity in the sky. It’s not dependent on money, social status, job, sexual preference, marital status, or any other status. The only thing that determines how you live your life is what you center on. It’s not so much the importance that is put on the task, but why the tasks is being done. Visualize what you think is important to you, now sit with it as not being so, you will see that regardless of what it is life will go on without it, no matter what it is or how important you think it is.
We all are tied to the things that we think are soooo important. You can do the same task as someone, but the reason why it’s being done makes the same task different, regardless of the task. If the task is from the base of love and that’s what you center on, you will be in alignment with life. If the same task is done, but with the aim of it being centered to satisfy some inner desire, even if the task is successful it will not put you in alignment with life, and soon a new task will be needed to center on. When you center on things that put you in alignment with Universal Love, you will never have the need to recenter because you will already have a center of love as your number one priority. When your life is lived and centered with Universal Love, it’s the most important thing you can do for yourself and more importantly for all beings. When love becomes your center and it becomes the most important thing that you do with your life, whatever you do with your life will be of love and with a center of love nothing else really matters…

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