This article isn’t about how one should grieve as much as it’s about how our Conditioned Mind likes to attach to the past. I have not lost anyone I love in any of our nations previous conflicts or wars, but I have lost loved ones in my life and I attribute it as just being a part of life, not a pleasant part, but a part just the same. A loss of a loved is a loss any way it occurs and it’s the attachment that causes you to suffer. Not attaching doesn’t make it easier to lose someone, but it does allow for the freedom to move on and not attach to the suffering of the initial reaction to the loss.
You will never have closure and move on if you’re attach to a past memory over and over. What happens in the past needs to remain there if our future is to be different. The Conditioned Mind Patterns remain ingrained by using your memory to keep you in captivity. The love you have for someone always remains in your heart, always. You don’t have to hold a special ceremony to show your love for them. It’s always there every minute of every day, not just on the anniversary of their passing.
This may not be a favorable post to some, but it’s not my intention to offend anyone or to tell others how to grieve, each person has their own conditioned process in place. All I am saying is to look at how the Conditioned Mind uses the past to create stories in your head that keeps your suffering active. After all isn’t that what reliving a past loss does, you don’t really need to have ceremonies to honor loved ones; I’m only saying this because of the suffering it causes. The place that a person who passes on truly lives is in the place of eternity, which is in our heart. Grieve in anyway that you are conditioned to grieve, just understand the love for a loved one never dies, it’s always within you, but it does get blocked from entering the eternal world of your heart by attaching the past memories of the Conditioned Mind…

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