The stability to a peaceful life lies in not wanting things different. Discontentment is directly linked to wanting things different and this is true regardless of what it is. It may not be seen exactly as wanting something different, but when a label of like or disliked is applied, this is wanting things different. If someone says or writes something or if a circumstance arises and you apply don’t like to it, you just created a discontent within yourself. What was said, written, or what happened didn’t do it, the applied label did. It’s the same when you apply like to something, this is because you are allowing something from the outside to control your mind state. The mind is very unstable and has nothing solid to base itself in so there’s never true peace because the Conditioned Mind energy constantly wants things different.
A wanting things different mind is very unstable, it’s energy is all over the place and it’s the reason there’s very little peace in the world. Always wanting things different keeps the individual energy from being of peace which then emanates as the energy you put out. Multiple this by the billions of people on the planet and thus you have an unstable world. The stability to a peaceful life lies in not wanting things different and this is the only way there will ever be peace in your life and the world. The instant something is wanted different discontentment arises as the energy in place is being controlled by a mind that doesn’t understand the stability to a peaceful life lies in not wanting things different, and this is true regardless of what’s going on…

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