The mind doesn’t become beneficial until you lessen the control it has over you and become the controller of it. It has tremendous problem solving abilities that are second to none, but it’s ability to create problems are also second to none. If you don’t control your mind, your mind will control you; this isn’t a belief in something, this is simply the way it is. Your Conditioned Mind Patterns are so engrained and elusive that the creator of them (our own mind) also creates blocks so you don’t see how they arise. This makes you a prisoner to your own mind with the prison being the mind constantly making problems that don’t truly exist. Just look at your own life to see example after example of this, situations, people (ourselves included), circumstances, etc, the mind makes a problem because life is lived based on the past or future. Another example would be this writing, agree with it, don’t agree with it, pick it a part, who cares, its not that important except to the mind that wants to make it a problem. To a mind that wants to create a problem it is the most important thing in the world.
Written here are words, nothing more nothing less. If they’re a problem to you, it’s only because you have created it. Any problem is a product of your conditioning; no conditioned label, no problem. A noisy mind will not see this because the noise is a creation of the Conditioned Mind; only a settled mind will see this. The other day someone asked how my book was doing, I answered “it doesn’t matter unless it’s made to matter”. Life will always be what it is and because there’s awareness of this I don’t have to make it into something that it’s not. This is true control because what is is always based in truth. The Universe is in charge of life, not the delusional concepts and ideas that are formed by a Conditioned Mind. When this is seen, Universal Truth will be understood because the delusional Conditioned Mind problems will lose their control…

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