It’s more important to develop practical tools that have actual benefits in their results than to reach out aimlessly for things that later prove to be self sabotaging nonsense. We all have certain conditioning and theories that are held onto, but if they don’t manifest in results that are beneficial in your life, they are useless. To know what’s truly beneficial that it enhances your life is something that’s dependent on what you consider a benefit. To truly know something is beneficial it has to tried and tested and not just something that’s thought to be a benefit.
At first many people think drinking alcohol is a benefit, but then it turns not to be so. Same thing with drugs, people who abuse pain medication, gamblers, food addicts, thrill seekers and the such, but it’s not limited to these self sabotaging addictions, it also applies to less subtle ones. Chocolate cake may seem like it’s a benefit because it brings satisfying sense pleasure, but what if you’re over weight or a diabetic like a lot of people, there’s not much benefit there. Speeding may get you to your destination quicker, but it’s dangerous and not a true benefit; it’s self sabotaging. Same with texting while driving, the more settled the mind gets, what’s truly a benefit can be seen. If you remain in a state of presence where things are accepted as they are, the mind doesn’t come into play as much, but if you engage in the thought process of some past or future conditioning, the self sabotaging nonsense begins. What this will ensure is that self sabotaging nonsense will be a huge part of your life and no matter how little benefit it truly has, it will take up most of your life…

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