When a person awakens it’s not the great secrets of the Universe that are revealed, although in a way they are, what really happens when you awaken is you stop hiding from yourself. To me that’s the main attribute of waking from the sleep of unconsciousness. It’s not knowing what life is all about, it’s more so not being concerned with what life is all about. The hiding, searching, reaching, etc. ceases and it’s realized what you have been hiding from is yourself. It’s a great relief to accept yourself the way you are because the only real misery is wanting you to be in some other way. When this is seen your hiding ends along with the need to be right, and the need for things to be different, especially yourself. This doesn’t mean you don’t move forward to be the change that’s needed in the world, but it’s done so in a way that it doesn’t cause the very suffering that you are trying to change.
I hid from myself for forty nine years and it nearly cost me my life; basically my awakening was to see this. It was revealed to me that I could stop hiding and I was going to be okay. This is a beautiful realization, it’s here where the peace that passes all understanding arises. It’s not a magical place for a select few, it’s a place where everyone’s heart dwells; you just have to stop hiding to experience it. The possibilities when you stop hiding from yourself are endless, there are no blocks here so your creativity naturally arises. No one knows what form the creativity takes on, but I can tell you this, when you stop hiding from yourself reaching for things stops and life is lived in the peaceful state of accepting yourself as you are with nothing to hide…

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