Your actions are a result of your inner state and the base of your inner state is very important when it comes to these actions. Your inner state determines so much of what goes on in your life because it results in the base of your actions. Actions from an inner state to self serve produce much different results then actions from an inner state of quietness or if you like, love. Grasping becomes the main action when the inner state is to self serve. I need energy makes needing the constant energy of the self serving inner state. I need energy is what keeps greed, hate, envy, lust, jealousy, anger and so on in place and although the needs manifest differently for everyone, the common denominator is the inner state of I need energy; this makes you believe the present moment needs to be different.
Grasping actions have to follow when this occurs because it’s the inner state of the energy in place.
When the inner state is one of quietness which manifest as love, your actions naturally fall in line with the complete opposite actions of being self serving. It’s as if there’s no thought of you and your actions are geared towards benefitting others. Not in a way to try and convert others to a concept or belief, but coming from a place of compassion, kindness, understanding, and love. This loving energy is the connection to life itself and it’s this inner state energy that emanates out into the world. Many will pickup on this energy and in the process they will also transform. This all occurs because when your inner state is based in love, love is the result of your actions…

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