Visualize the ocean as the Universe and you swimming as your thoughts. You cannot swim without the ocean, but the ocean is not the swimming. It provides the place to swim, but not the swimming. You can swim forever, but it will always be a doing that’s using the ocean, and as the swimming becomes tiresome you will need something to hold onto or the ocean will engulf you.
So what can you do to stop this constant swimming, not as a temporarily solution, but one that will last and keep you from being engulfed? You will need to learn to cooperate with the oceans energy and be in harmony with it. You can hope to find something in the ocean to keep you afloat, or you can turn over and simply float on your back. You’re still in the ocean, but now you simply align your energy with the oceans energy. You’re not fighting, grasping or hoping for something to come along to hold onto, you’re just floating on your back, allowing yourself to be at one with the waves and thus you are using your energy to be in harmony with the oceans energy.
Our thinking can be viewed like this, simply as energy. Life is also energy, which doesn’t need our thinking, but our thinking is from the energy of life. You can think forever, but it never becomes life, although it’s never separate from life. It’s just that the thinking energy is always grasping for something and doesn’t align with Universal energy. It’s when you become aware of your thinking through quieting the mind that you are in cooperation with the energy of the Universe and thus life. This is where you will find the stillness that allows you to be in harmony with life and stops the need to grasp for something that doesn’t assist in any way in keeping you afloat. Hence you are then aligned with the energy with the Universe, floating along in cooperation with life…

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