Pointing at others and blaming them for your arisen discontent is the epitome of unconsciousness. Even though this isn’t the fault of the pointer, it still remains the lowest form of existence because there’s not one iota of love in pointing at and blaming others for your discontentment. Hate can only arise from within you if it’s already there, this has nothing to do with who or what triggers it. It doesn’t matter what another person does, as long as there’s blaming there’s unconsciousness.
Blaming yourself for your discontent is being semi conscious, at least you are looking inward to a degree and not pointing out there at others as much. There’s still much unconsciousness here because blame is blame no matter who is being blamed. For forty nine years I was the way I was (selfish) without the slightest inkling there was another way to view life. Ten years ago I learned there was no other way for me to behave because I was unconsciously conditioned to do what I did; there wasn’t a choice. Hence although one is accountable for what they do, there’s not much responsibility if you are only doing what you have been conditioned to do.
Here’s what happens when a person wakes up. Blame no one and there is no one to be unconscious. Love becomes your base and there’s no one to blame because there’s no separation, there’s only unity. This unity is with life itself and with this comes the understanding that life is simply as it is and it never needs to be different. This is because needing it different would be blaming life itself for things not being as you think they should be, and that’s all we do when we blame is want whatever has occurred to be different…

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