All the searching you do for answers by reading another book just adds to the confusion that’s already in place…if there wasn’t confusion the need for another book wouldn’t arise…but the minds answer to this confusion is to read another book…pure insanity…simply learn to sit…nothing else is needed…you can’t solve mind problems with the same mind that creates them…any book that’s read is just someone else’s take about something…when the mind settles truth is revealed…it doesn’t come from a book…simply learn to sit…I haven’t read a so called spiritual book in over eight years…not because I know it all…but because my answers arise from stillness…my experience has been knowledge will only take you so far…if you stay in the mind you will remain in bondage to it…the shift that occurs when one awakens is the heart opens…this has nothing to do with one’s belief in something…what you think an awakening is isn’t it…it can’t be because what you think is only a story…simply learn to sit…don’t label it…what arises has nothing to do with what you think…your label is your story…simply learn to sit…and you just may be surprised that what arises has nothing to do with someone else’s book…but this will only be seen when you simply learn to sit…

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