For years the core energy of my life was based to self serve, this didn’t leave much room for anyone else to be served, so to say the least my life was always filled with drama and chaos. This is what core energy based to self serve produces, it has to because that’s the nature of self serving energy. No one is truly at fault for this core energy, it’s basically in place because it’s the way humanity has evolved; this self serving energy is the cause of every conflict that has ever occurred.
Ever so slowly cores of love are being established and this is what’s making humanity different; it’s the only way things will become different. Core energy based in love is one of quietness, it’s not made up where one has to constantly defend that their way is the way. True love needs no defending because it’s in unity with all of life regardless of what someone else’s core energy is based in. If for some reason you’re in conflict with someone your core is not of love, it can’t be because that’s just not how love rolls; it never ever has conflict because it’s energy doesn’t allow it.
Conflicts with others are a gauge to see if your core energy is truly based in love or if it’s self serving. If there’s conflict, regardless of the other person, your energy is not based in love. You may tell yourself it is, but how can it be if there’s conflict? A conflict arises whenever something isn’t in line with the way you think it should be, but who are you to think you know how things should be. Mind your own business, take care of your core, and make sure you allow everything and everyone to be as they are because it’s then and only then that the core energy of your life will be of love and humanity will be different because of it.

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