Whatever your age, if you aren’t living in the present moment you are attaching to all your past experiences and this momentum keeps you living in the past. In my case there’s almost sixty years of conditioned momentum to draw on. It’s no wonder the mind has a difficult time settling; there’s just so much information for it to process and more is added every moment of every day. There’s also future energy and although this energy is different than the past, it is still attached to and drawn from the past, but the momentum goes in the direction of the future; case in point is both past and future are reaching mechanisms. Most of why something is reached for is to alter the way one wants to feel now. With all of your conditioned momentum in place, this is why when a person stops using one thing, another thing is substituted for it.
People only gain weight when they stop smoking cigarettes because their conditioned momentum carries them to reach for food as a substitute. When the mind settles and more time is spent in the present moment, the momentum lessens as does the reaching for food, hence there’s no substitution and less weight gain. The older a person is the more momentum their conditioning has. Its been proven someone who starts a sitting practice at an early age has much more stability in their life than someone who doesn’t; this is simply because there’s less conditioned momentum. Don’t make this anymore complicated than it needs to be. Live in the present moment where life only exist, or be a slave to the past and future momentum where the only thing that exist is the Conditioned Mind controlling you as if you were a puppet on string.

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