If everything that’s done is based on a self doing it you will need to keep doing to remain what you think is whole. This attachment to self is the main thing that keeps you entrapped to your own suffering. Sit with this next part and see exactly where is this self that’s so adamantly defended. What if you lost your hand would you still exist? How about both hands, now take everything away expect for the mind. Let’s just say that remains intact so there would still be existence. Even if you lost your mind there would still be existence, you just wouldn’t be aware of it. So what part of the story of this self is you? The limbs, or the story of the loss of them, the mind, or the story of the loss of it; I guess there wouldn’t be a story if there wasn’t a mind.
There’s nothing real where the self is that’s conjured up in the mind. This isn’t to say there isn’t a self, but what part of the made up story is really this self that is attached to? What part of it makes you complete or incomplete? In my case is it my role as a husband, father, son, brother and so on? Or is it my job title or my writings? All of these things exist, but they’re only a story. Without applying labels and stories to what happens to you there’s existence beyond words. This is where you will be free from attachment to the story of self and without attachment you can truly be you.

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