I know the Law of Attraction states conceive it and you will achieve it, but what my experience has been is visualize it and it is done. When I sit and visualize something I am there. Whether it’s playing a musically instrument, singing, being rich, emanating peace, being love, or anything else, to me this is so because nothing is inherently who you are, but inherently you are all things. Read this slowly and allow it to sink in: Nothing is inherently who you are, but inherently you are all things. This requires the non attachment to any mental formation of what’s actually occurring or what’s being visualized. Because everything is inherently impermanent the only way visualization is blocked is by attachment to the emotional aspect of something. I could visualize a conceived reality or be with the given moment as it is and they are truly one in the same; that is as long as there isn’t attachment.
Because everything passes, yesterday’s dream is no different than yesterday’s memory of what went on and because of this it also includes whatever is visualized. The key here is in not needing the present moment any different than what it is. Don’t attach to it and just allow the energy to flow. Attachment is a story, the past is a story even though it may have happened, it’s not happening now so if there isn’t attachment to it, it becomes no different than a dream, a memory, or a visualization. You may or may not achieve what is conceived regardless of how much you conceive it, but if you can truly sit and just be in the space of what is visualized, you will see everything is of the same space.

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