To me there is no saving the world, spreading love, or any other story the Conditioned Mind makes up. There’s only sharing heart experiences and focusing on whose lives are touched by them. My experiences won’t touch everyone and some no matter what will not see the simple message that’s being conveyed. We all have our own journey in life and it’s not for anyone to say which one is right. One can only see what is seen and it can’t be any other way. We can make up all kinds of stories about this or that, but it’s only true to the degree of the conditioning we have in place. The more one holds onto the conditioned story, the less truth one will be exposed to and the truth is, we are not here to be anything, to teach anyone, to prove anything, or to coach anyone. We are simply here to share our heart experiences and to hold those who are touched by those experiences in a way where it benefits them to learn and grow in their own being.
This is true freedom, it’s what I have experienced and it’s why I write as I do. I’m not anything nor am I here to become something other than a friend. For forty nine years I had a conditioned storied life, the last ten are about just what happens. Thoughts will always arise, but what you do with them determines if you will need to reach for something or not. Asking yourself if the thought is true is reaching. Needing to belong to a program is reaching, doing anything but being in the moment is reaching. The reaching existence is strictly living from the intellect and it constantly reinforces itself by needing the next whatever. Living from the heart stops the need to reach for anything because the heart doesn’t beat in the past or future, it only beats now. When one is in touch with the heart, there is simply living in the only place that exist. You can make up any story you think you need, just understand it’s not your heart experience, it’s only what holds you in captivity.

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