Spirituality isn’t magical, it’s one’s true essence. If one is alive, one is spiritual and regardless if there’s awareness of this it doesn’t take away from the fact that one is spiritual in nature. Let’s take a practical approach to spirituality so the blocks to awareness can be lessened. Look at one of the most common realities of life, to me that would be everything that happens does so Now. This is such a common reality of life, but is it so hard to live there. We hear it all the time “live in the now, all we have is now, be present” yet it is so hard to remain in the Now.
What I found to be the one thing that makes living in the Now so difficult is the inability to keep the mind aligned with the moment that’s occurring right now. So many things pull you out of alignment and this opens the door to whatever conditioning one is prone to. This conditioning is different for everyone, but the nature of the misalignment is the same. If this misalignment didn’t occur, the opening to be controlled by the Conditioned Mind wouldn’t occur. The misalignment is so subtle and this is what makes it so difficult to be aware of it. It’s only because of the way one’s mind has been developed to begin with that the misalignment occurs. The mind will not align on its own, it needs guidance. It’s in the alignment of a settled mind where one becomes aware of their spiritual nature because when one remains in the Now. If there’s the development of awareness of what takes a person out of this alignment, it will be discovered what takes one out of alignment with life. When this is discovered the default setting of the mind will be that of one’s true nature of the spirit because it’ll be the only thing that one is aligned with.

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