It seems that things always happen to other people. When the news is watched, it’s about other people. When there are stories at work, it’s about someone else. Others seem to be the ones that get sick, or have tragedies occur in their life. It’s even other people who are the ones that die, but what happens when it’s your turn? We’ll not the die part, but the other things, sickness, others death, loss of jobs, or things like house fires, or floods, these are but a few of the things that can definitely knock one off their spiritual direction. There are many hours spent practicing, sitting, reading, discussing beliefs, and philosophy, but what happens when push comes to shove and there isn’t time but to react to what occurs because it has taken you by surprise? Many times it seems the so called spiritual direction is thrown aside and the deeper inner psyche takes over. I know for me when I get caught by surprise, my reactions tend to revert back to the deeply rooted psyche of a self that has been in place for many many years. This self only deems things beneficial that are of world, and as far as spiritual direction is concerned, it doesn’t see it as much of a benefit.
It has been my observation that this self is what most people revert to in times of stress. I have found by being with life as it occurs, although one may not react in the way that has been practiced or is desired, what’s in the current psyche has to be accepted for what it is. This is because things don’t always happen to the other person, and this awareness that things happen to everyone is a reality that unless accepted with no if, ands, or buts, it will keep one assuming that things only happen to someone else. So the question is, when things do happen to you as they most certainly will, and you are taken by surprise, will you be ready for it or will you revert to the self of the world and go in the opposite direction of your spiritual nature.

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