Life plays its sounds in many different ways which produces very different music to each individual, and although all of those sounds arise from silence, the music that’s heard is dependent on one’s conditioning. What do you hear? For many years the sounds I heard caused responses that were very destructive and because of this, the beautiful music of life was missed more often than not. More and more this is seen today and it’s because more and more the lies that caused the beautiful music to be missed are being exposed. To me even though life is very visual, it’s interpreted through what is heard. One sees with the eyes and it’s interpreted through what the Conditioned Mind says which means it will not be heard as love. When something is seen without applying a label, it’s interpreted through the silence of the heart and it’s truly heard for what it is; one’s reactions are loving when from the heart. I’m learning more and more to hear what life is really saying instead of applying a labeling from the conditioning. One sees with the eyes, but labels from what’s heard.
When I see someone responding to life in a certain way, it can now be heard where it’s truly coming from; the heart or the head. When it’s from the head there is now compassion instead of labeling because as was the case with me, the Conditioned Mind is in control. This isn’t a judgement, it’s a fact. Life’s beautiful music can only arise from silence and when a label is applied, the silence is gone and so is the ability to hear what life truly has to offer. We all hear what we hear. Some are fortunate to hear the music of love and some only hear the same old song of the Conditioned Mind that blocks one from hearing the beautiful music of the heart.

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