To truly live one must learn to be true to thyself and this will require an entirely different way to view life. For the current view to become different so you’re in harmony with life, our heart must open to a view that touches the unlimited resources of the Universe. This means you will have to let go of the small minded limited self who thinks and thinks and thinks and holds onto thinking as the foundation of life. If you must think, think about this, where do all the issues you have with life formulate from and does your thinking about them constantly really solve anything? If it does than go ahead and think, but don’t waste you time thinking about things that have no solution.
Thinking is just the way the Conditioned Mind keeps one in its prison to the delusional self. You justify what you’re thinking about, but it doesn’t solve anything, you just become more engrained to your subconscious false “I”. You make what you think about soooo important, but it’s really only important to your small self because you’re not in tune with the unlimited resources of the Universe. Human behavior hasn’t changed much over time, it may have actually gotten more conditioned. Because of the small minded limited view that’s developed, you think what you think about is so important, but its only important to the small minded limited self. Wake up, nothing you think about is so important except to the Conditioned Mind. This is the delusion created and until one breaks free of this hold, you will be walking around not living in a loving manner. Basically by not living life in a loving manner, you are not truly living and you will remain blind to just how limited you truly are.

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