The more the self-serving mind is in control, the more the light of your inner child is doused by the world, and the less awareness there is that your inner child light is even there…
Everyday, take the time to develop more awareness of your inner child light. We are all born of this light, but remaining aware of it determines how your inner child remains a part of life. There are many traps that takes a piece of your inner child light and locks it away; very few traps take it all at once. As the self-serving mind is developed, if it’s blindly followed the inner child will be there beneath the surface, but it will be unseen. The Conditioned Mind takes on the role of trying to constantly arrange life to be a certain way, this is the baby in us, not the inner child.
Make no mistake between these two, the baby is self-serving, wanting, and selfish. The inner child, is loving, caring, and innocent. Depending on your up bringing and whatnot determines how much awareness there is of your inner child. To understand this is to know yourself, and when you know yourself you can develop discipline to reverse the process that douses your inner child. The more discipline there is, the more your inner child shines forth as when life began.
If the light goes out, it can only be relit from within. Others can provide a spark to start this process, but it will be from the awareness of your own inner child that the process will expand. It’s up to each individual to develop awareness of their inner child, or not and remain trapped to a life that is self-serving, wanting, and selfish. Choose wisely because it will determine not only the awareness of your light, but also the light of the Universe…

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