There are many lies that are hidden which keeps you trapped to the lies. If these hidden lies aren’t exposed at least to where this is realized, your life will mostly be lived as a lie…
Hidden lies are what gets you in trouble. Thinking the grass is greener on the other side is one of these lies. Until it’s seen that this grass also has to be mowed, your hidden lies will continue to be in control. If you think when certain things happen you’ll be set, you will be sadly mistaken even if those things come to pass. This is very hard to see and as one clings to the hidden lie of needing life to be a certain way; the hidden lies are reinforce themselves. Case in point would be something as simple and seemingly innocent as playing the lottery. Here’s how this works. There’s the lie that’s hidden that makes you think if life is a certain way you will have it made; it’s the answer to your so called prayers. So you buy a lottery ticket just because the jackpot is a hundred million dollars. This seems innocent, but make no mistake, it isn’t.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with money, but whatever is hidden that makes a person think life would be better if this or that happens, it puts you in the chains of the hidden lie. Granted a hundred million dollars would make life different, but different doesn’t mean it will necessarily be better. The moment the hidden lie makes you think life needs to better, it means the present moment is wanted different. There are many hidden lies that keep you trapped to the lies, if these aren’t exposed life will mostly be lived as a lie. Money is only one hidden lie, anything can be substituted for money. Don’t take my word on this, investigate this and see the hidden lies that are in control. Or not and remain in bondage to the hidden lies that you’re keeping in place by thinking them to be true…

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