Once you identify the coping mechanisms that have been put in place to deal with life, you can take action to stop using them which will make your future different…
Everything in life is learned, this is what makes up your life. Regardless if it’s beneficial for you or not, it will still be done because it‘s what you have learned; what is learned is used to cope with feelings. You spend a lot of time focused on learning to use tools you think are needed to cope with life. This is why alcohol is so widely used because it works so well as a coping mechanism. Drugs work well also, as does gambling, sex, work, food, music, TV etc. These are just some of the distractions used to cope with life. Understand this, when you can just be with the way things are with no needed coping mechanisms, that’s when you will not have the need to reach for anything. When this happens you will know a peace like no other; you will be in a place that few go. Be there regardless of how you feel and you will understand that feelings aren’t based in facts, they just are; the peace for knowing this is priceless.
Coping mechanisms are not needed to live, you would exist without them. The essence of a spiritual awakening is to stop using the coping mechanisms you have spent your entire life creating. They have been created to make you who you think you need to be, but when you start to become aware that these coping mechanisms have caused most of your problems, you can begin to undo what you yourself have put in place. The reason why people reach outside themselves for answers is to use the coping mechanisms that have put in place to deal with life. Once you are aware of this, you can take action to stop using your coping mechanisms; this is how your future becomes different…

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