To understand life one must understand death. When conditions are right existence begins. Understanding impermanence gives one the freedom to love and to love is to live…
You will understand true freedom when you understand impermanence. At any moment life can change from conditions that allow you to live to conditions that don’t. The real question is do you truly understand this? Conditions that don’t support life will change for many today, if you understand this can occur at anytime, it will allow you to let go of all the nonsense you think you need for your life to be. The only place of true freedom is in this understanding.
Conditions will not always be favorable to support your current existence and one day life in this form will end. It’s not a bad or good thing, it’s just the way it is. One day conditions were right and your current existence began. If you’re reading this conditions have been favorable up to this point to allow you to remain in your current form of existence. But it will not be this way forever. When you know your current form of existence to be temporary, how can you not be grateful and know that now is the only moment that ever is. Death is not death, it’s merely existence of a changing condition. Things exist, than conditions change and so does their existence. When a beautiful flower grows and you cut it to put it a vase, you don’t think of killing the flower, but you have changed the conditions for the flower to continue its existence in its current form. The moment it’s cut its existence has been altered. The key is to enjoy the beauty of the flower in its current form. Impermanence is our freedom. It’s in our freedom that we discover love, and it’s in our love that we understand what it means to truly live…

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