When truth is revealed, no longer will you listen to your conditioning because you’ll understand, you shouldn’t believe everything your conditioning tells you because it just isn’t true…
Don’t believe everything your conditioning tells you because it will tell you things that just aren’t true. It will tell you the past is real yet the only place the past exist is in the mind. It will tell you to fear, yet the only thing you have to fear is fear itself. It will tell you to hold onto the belief of a self that’s a solid entity, but the form that’s being occupied needs no such attachment to exist, as it is always changing in a constant state of flux. It will tell you I think therefore I am, but thinking has nothing to do with I am. It will make up beliefs that everything desired on the outside is needed, but if none of those desires come to pass nothing happens. Even if the desires do get fulfilled, the satisfaction is fleeting at best. Then there’s the thing the conditioned labels as ego, this is like the bogeyman in the closet, it exist until one looks in the closet. There’s also not a need to get rid of the ego doesn’t truly exist, except to the conditioning.
The image in the mirror was given a name for identification purposes, it’s your conditioning that tells you the name is you. If the name is different you become someone else, but that’s only to the conditioning because the form remains the same. There will be many lies held onto that just aren’t true; unfortunately the more they‘re attached to the truer they seem. To truly be free, the lies will have to be exposed. This doesn’t mean you find out you don’t exist, you find out you just don’t exist in the way your conditioning leads you to believe. When this truth is revealed you will no longer listen to your conditioning because you’ll understand, you shouldn’t believe everything your conditioning tells you because it just isn’t true…

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