What happens happens no matter what it is. The key is not needing it to be different so you can at least be in the stillness of what happens…
A great mantra for life is: “Our greatest relief is to accept things the way they are because the only real misery is wanting them to be in some other way.” You can live your entire life by this. It’s a simple saying, but it‘s not easy to apply because of the way the mind has been conditioned. It always wants things a certain way. It works all the time to have things a certain way and when it doesn’t happen the energy of lack makes you believe it has to be a certain way in order for you to be happy. When it isn’t the nonsense of the Conditioned Mind begins.
What happens happens. It will always be the way it is. You never have to lack, but it will take practice not to. Every now and then life will be just as you want it, but if that’s the only time you’re at peace, life will be very difficult because it will not remain that way. The most consistent part of life is its inconsistency. It’s like my golf score lol. So the key to not having lack is to accept what happens and not need it different. Very difficult because there will be many things in life that aren’t pleasant and you will wish they were different, but all the wishing in the world will not change what happens so it’s just wasted energy feeding some lack. Lack cannot arise when what happens is accepted. Even if you’re not pleased with what happens it can be accepted so the peace that passes all understanding can be the energy that guides your life. But this will only occur when you are with what happens as opposed to the way you wish it was…

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