To be aware is to recognize, to be mindful is to understand. When it’s learned to be mindful of the life you are living, you’ll be mindful of living the life you are given…
When you’re aware of something it‘s usually in association with the identity of I or self. When you’re mindful of something there’s a separation from the identity to the I or self. Mindfulness itself is a wholesome quality because it connects you with what truly is, not with the way you think it should be. People are aware of all sorts of things, but it’s not a wholesome quality if it’s based in self. How people look at what happens in the moment matters only if the next step to go deeper is cultivated. Mindful of this instead of just being aware of it eliminates the need to have things a certain way; this way regardless of how things are the same heart felt wholesome quality is present. This is the beauty of being mindful, the wholesomeness is there regardless of the situation.
Where most get stuck is in just being aware of the situation, but not going beyond it to the state of mindfulness. Whenever you‘re mindful instead of just being aware, it changes the entire dynamics of a situation. Mindfulness is the deeper aspect of life. It allows for a connection that awareness doesn’t. This is a large part of the problem within our society, people are aware they have certain behaviors based in satisfying self, but they don’t go deeper to find out why this is so and how to change it. So you stay locked in the self-serving behavior, aware it’s occurring, but not mindful it‘s occurring. When you become mindful of the behavior, you’ll see how it affects so many more people than just your self and you’ll want to act in the appropriate manner of love. It’s very difficult to be mindful and still behave in a self-serving manner. So when it’s learned to be mindful of the life you are living, you will be mindful of living the life you are given…

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