One learns from others and basically that’s what is emanated and showcased to the world, if it isn’t based in love there will be conflicts within…
It’s not only important who you study to emanate in life because it will determine the what’s practiced, it’s also important to know the truth of the teachings of who you are studying because that will be the example that others see as a result of what’s practiced. Practice love and love will be what the world sees, practice something else and that will be your showcase. This matters because when you’re a learner of truth you become an example of truth; others who are also urged to seek truth will be drawn to you. People who are in conflict with you may also be truth seekers, but because there is conflict within they are still seeking. When truth and love merge there isn’t any conflict within. When the base of your life is love there’s never conflict with anyone on your end. Others may be in conflict with you, but pay them no mind because they aren’t at fault and it’s not for you to convert them. What is within them is for them to rectify.
The two main teachers I’ve studied are Jesus and Buddha, although there were other teachers I have learned from, but those were main ones who resonated with me., and what is was that resonated with me was the love that was the base of their teachings. To me their teachings weren’t based in a set beliefs they preached about, what they taught was from the love in their hearts. This didn’t mean people weren’t opposed to what they taught, but it was because of their blindness that they opposed them. It was also because of not understanding the truth of love which is what led to their opposition in the first place.
One’s own lack of love (truth) is what causes any opposition and it’s directly linked to the lack of love in your own life. That’s why even if you were the most loving person to roam this earth there would be those who oppose you because of the lack of understanding of what truth is in themselves. Love all just don’t expect them to love you back…

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