When you know the truth there’s no need to listen to the made up lies, yours and that of others, and how to be sure it’s truth is by not needing to defend it…
Very few people really want to know the truth about things because it would mean letting go of some deeply ingrained Conditioned Mind Patterns. It would also mean that maybe someone else had it right. It doesn’t really matter what you believe because any belief is just a made up version of truth; many hold onto this as if it’s real. Beliefs have no facts associated to them so there’s nothing that can honestly be held onto as truth. The mind justifies everything to make you think your way is of truth, but mostly it’s accepted prior to investigating if it’s so. How you can know if something is of truth is by not needing a definition to describe what it is.
In quietness truth becomes known and because it’s known there‘s nothing believed and nothing needed to be made up. Stick with the facts and you won’t give in to the countless lies of not only your own Conditioned Mind, but also the Conditioned Mind of others. Put stock in what others say and give them power over you. In matters little what others think of you especially when it’s only their judgement. Many see the speck in someone else’s eye, but miss the log in their own eye. When truth is known, one doesn’t have a need to defend it nor to listen to any of the made up lies; your own and that of others…

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