With all the constant labeling of the “need to know” mind being put in place, this creates story after story of a life that is made up instead of living from a place where life arises without labels…
The labeling process of the mind isn’t needed to live life, but by the way the mind is conditioned it makes you believe it is. This is a major deterrent in living truly living life because with preconceived notions it puts a limit on everything. This could be called the “need to know” mind. This mind state blocks out the ability to live intuitively because it needs answers regardless if they are true or not. The Conditioned Mind creates labels just so it can l have issues, even if they aren’t beneficial.
The Conditioned Mind labels and creates issues where there aren’t any just so it has something to do. Does it not? Examples would be the weather, other peoples behavior, politics, sports, traffic, and so on. This is a dilemma because these things are used as distractions that keeps you from experiencing life beyond the noise. The Conditioned Mind creates these issues which creates a self that latches on to the labels because they‘re thought to be needed. This then creates story after story of a life that is made up instead of living from a place where life arises without labels.
The “need to know” mind does this all the time until it becomes known that this is being done. When you can look in the mirror and not see a created self, it will be the beginning of the end of created issues because although the mind may still try to create them, there won’t be a self who says “I need to know”. The mind will then settle and life will be lived from a place where there isn’t a need to know and without the “need to know” mind being in control, the labeling process will no longer be needed to live life…

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