When it’s learned to keep your mind where your body is, most of the problems you think you have will go away because the real problem is the mind lives in a place other than where your body is…
If you ever want to truly be happy, joyous, and free, learning to keep your mind and body in sync is imperative. Whether this occurs consciously or unconsciously it’s the only way the happy, joyous, and free state will occur. Some do this without being aware of it and others develop a practice to acquire a mind/body connection. Mostly it has to be practiced because of all the influences that aren’t conducive in making this mind/body connection one’s natural way to live. It’s the natural way to live, but it’s not known because of all the influence that don’t support it.
All it takes for a mind/body connection to occur is just look inward and wherever your body is that’s where you are. Although the mind will tell you this is ridiculous, truth is just look inward and see where you are as opposed to where your mind is at. The disconnect from being where the body is as opposed to where the mind is causes most suffering. This is because over there is a mind made story while being where your body is isn’t. Without a mind made story life can be lived as it truly is; with a mind/body connection that keeps you right here instead of over there somewhere…

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