There’s a higher self that’s always there, waiting. When stillness is innerstood beyond the attachment to stories and thoughts, there’ll be an alignment and connection with your waiting higher self…
You’re not always aligned with your higher self and this your misgiving. It’s not that you can’t always be aligned, but you’ll have to do the things that allow it. Your alignment is in relation to how much you try and control your life; this is thought based. Granted certain aspects of life need to be controlled, but the parts that are beyond your control, why do you insist on controlling them also?
There’s the part that’s the carnal self; the one who is controlled by the senses. This is the human aspect (thought based) of who we are. There’s existence beyond the carnal self, this is beyond anything physical, beyond the thought process. It’s the self, but not in a conceptual way. It’s the energy beyond form, but the form itself is energy, it’s just that your thought process needs to make it solid so it can have something to grasp and make sense of. This is what thought is, but true existence is beyond thought. It’s pure Universal Energy, it’s who you are before your existence in this form begins and it‘s who you are when conditions no longer allow this form to exist and it ends.
To go beyond thought one must go beyond attachment. This is when you’re in alignment with your higher self. It can be called our soul, life eternal, nirvana, bliss, etc, but words aren’t needed to innerstand your higher self. Actually words hamper your alignment because the word itself is a thought. When you learn to just be and not have to attach to anything to make it who we are (a thought) that’s when you’ll innerstand who we truly are; thoughtless, formless pure energy; this is your higher self…

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