
There’s a stillness beyond noise that gives rise to all that life has to offer. If this stillness isn’t observed you will live in a world of noise and in this world the only thing offered is what’s on the surface…

Yesterday as I was taking out the trash from the evenings dinner I noticed there was a stillness that was motionless. Is stillness truly motionless you may ask, but it was a stillness so motionless that it blocked out all the surrounding noise. I was very much aware of this motionless moment and it was eerily quiet outside, but it was beautiful and the stillness observed was equally as beautiful. Noise doesn’t generate beauty it generates noise, stillness doesn’t generate beauty either because it is beauty; without stillness beauty cannot be.

To understand stillness it is imperative to understand noise. The noise needs stillness for without it there wouldn’t be anywhere for the noise to arise from, but stillness needs nothing to arise, it is self sustaining, needing nothing to be. This is why meditation is so valuable in our human evolution because without it we are a society of noise; all you need to do is look around and see evidence upon evidence of this. It’s nearly impossible because of the lack of practice for most people to be still for even five minutes in their daily life, so this means their life is strictly run by noise. This is not a perception of things, this is truth. Stillness can be noisy, but noise can’t be still. If you live a life that is filled with noise you won’t have much peace in your life because you won’t be able to sense the stillness, but if you live a life that‘s filled with stillness, even if there is noise the stillness can be motionless that the noise will not be heard. In stillness all of life arises, in noise there’s noise and not much else…

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